Derek Gilbert, host of View From The Bunker, recently interviewed me on a number of topics, mostly surrounding Islam and religious persecution. The description of the talk (from VFTB’s website) and the 55-minute interview itself, follow:
TEN YEARS of documenting Muslim persecution of Christians every month for the Gatestone Institute hasn’t opened the eyes of Western media, academia, or most Christians outside of the Middle East.
Raymond Ibrahim joins us to discuss the reality confronted by Christians in majority Muslim nations over the last 1,400 years—a reality to which most of us in the West are blind.
Thank you Raymond !
Thats too bad that occidental men and women could not understand the real Danger of this pseudo-religion, call islam ???
When the Occidental Dirigeants, and Supreme Courts of each countries will tell the truth about the Coran and the Charia, then people will open their eyes and maybe become believers in what you say about the islam Sect since more that 10 years !
Hoping that it will arrive very soon !
Keep healthy and continue your great work of informing the West Civilisation !!
*** God bless everyone here, and watch over Raymond and his family.
He Dan, long time no see, hope you’re well. Been busy lately and not online as much. Good interview here, Raymond was freewheeling.
Great interview. Thanks.
Derek, I’m a regular on Raymond’s site and have learned a lot from him.
I discovered the Grooming gangs in UK in 2015 or 16 I think, and was losing sleep at times trying to get the word out and no one would listen. I gave up after a while trying to get a grassroots movement going, the average person can’t handle the activity, short circuits the mind.
I’m now tapping journalists and retired military. I’ll never give up and of course the grooming problem in UK, is an Islam problem as it is now causing problems around the globe, to include Western countries.
My warning now is mostly about Islam itself, but like the grooming activity, few can engage in any thinking or talking about it, never mide take action.
I have also become desensitized to a degree. I call it battle mode. In battle mode you must realize there will be casualties, losses, tragedy, but you must go forward, regroup and keep pushing.
On the Left: To be radically simplistic about it, they have bought the Marxist Utopian society dream, taken a poison pill if you will. The western and especially the American middle class, is their enemy in this endeavor, as are most people of faith, especially Christianity.
They also hate the nation state, want open borders, and to homogenize the races into one race eventually, under the leadership of an oligarchy of the enlightened few.
Hence the Great Replacement and Great Reset.
Thanks again, best to you.
Thanks for having Raymond on, he’s a real guy and has given us rheems of evidence.
Congrats Raymond on the 10 years. Left previous comment thinking I was on Derek’s YouTube page.
Anyway, thanks for all the work and knowledge of the subject, though still learning a lot, I feel confident in engaging people in friendly discussion about Islam, and sometimes not so friendly.
Stay well and safe.
Loved “veneer of holiness”
That was a great interview. It kept me awake. Christians should repudiate Islam. Duh. Recovering from my Classical Education.