Not only does Islam claim Abraham, Moses, and Jesus; it apparently claims post biblical figures, such as Saint George, as well. So states a recent article on My London, the real point of which is apparently to assert Christian and Muslim “commonalities.” Thus, we learn that “on St George’s Day, which in Eastern Christianity is marked on May 6, Muslims in the area [of Nazareth] join Christians in their venerations of the saint.”
Judaism also finds its way into this article on religious syncretism: “According to some Sufi traditions, the [Hebrew] Prophet Elias, Al-Khidr [a character in the Koran], and Saint George are all the same person. They believe Elias reappears at different times in human history under different names to help stricken believers in times of crisis.”
The entire article is a testimony to the widely entrenched conviction that, because Judaism, Christianity, and Islam share many of the same characters, creating rapprochement between the three faiths is not just easy; it’s the most natural thing to do.
Left out of this calculus is the all-important fact that Islam does not treat biblical characters the way Christianity does. Christians accept the Hebrew Bible, or “Old Testament,” as it is. They do not add, take away, or distort the accounts of the patriarchs that Jews also rely on.
Conversely, while also relying on the figures of the Old and New Testaments—for the weight of antiquity and authority attached to their names—Islam completely recasts them in a manner that validates itself and invalidates Judaism and Christianity. This would seem to burn rather than build bridges.
Consider, for example, Islam’s treatment of Jesus (‘Isa in the Koran). Not only does Islam vehemently deny Christ’s sonship to God, a new book on Islamic sources inadvertently underscores the fact that ‘Isa is the antithesis of Jesus—his doppelganger.
Although Muslim Sources of the Crusader Period by professors James E. Lindsay and Suleiman Mourad is full of important historical documents from that era, including first time translations, the writings of Ibn ‘Asakir (1105-1175)—an influential Islamic scholar who also authored the popular Forty Hadiths for Inciting Jihad—on Jesus, based on established hadiths, are germane to our topic. From beginning to end, Ibn ‘Asakir, like all other Muslim scholars before and after him, uses Jesus to validate Islam and invalidate the actual faith founded by Christ.
According to these Muslim accounts, Jesus will indeed return—Christian “bridge-builders” to Islam can be happy about that—but only to “break the crosses, slaughter the pigs, end the jizya tax on non-Muslims, making warfare against the People of the Book (e.g. Jews ,Christians, Zorastrians etc.) and others licit…” (p. 158) In short, Islam’s Jesus seems to be a jihadist on a par with ISIS.
Here are a few selections from Ibn ‘Asakir’s “biography” of Jesus/‘Isa (from Muslim Sources of the Crusader Period):
He quotes Muhammad asserting that whoever is willing to make him, Muhammad, Christ’s equal, as well as contradict the oldest Christian Creed (1 Cor. 15: 3-7), will go to heaven:
Whoever testifies that there is no god but God, alone with no partner, and that Muhammad is His servant and messenger, and that Jesus is His servant and messenger, the son of His servant, His word which he gave to Mary, and a spirit from Him, Allah will admit him to paradise for saying that (p.159).
When a woman says to Jesus, “Blessed is the womb that bore you and the breast that suckled you,” a shocked Jesus replies: “No, but blessed is he who reads the Qur’an and follows what is in it” (p.159).
In several of these hadiths, Muhammad appears intent on making himself Jesus’s equal. Thus when his child-bride, Aisha, asks the prophet: “If I outlive you, would you permit me to be buried beside you?” “No,” responds Muhammad: “in that place there is only room for my grave, for Abu Bakr’s grave [Muhammad’s companion and successor, or first caliph], for ‘Umar’s grave [Muhammad’s companion and second caliph], and for the grave of Jesus son of Mary” (p.160).
In another account, Muhammad says, “The biblical prophets are siblings of the same lineage. I and Jesus too are siblings because he prophesied me and there are no prophets between me and him (p.161).”
In yet another account, Ibn ‘Asakir presents Jesus as “praying behind” yet another caliph (Muawiya I): then, “after Jesus finishes his prayer, he will take his lance, go toward the Antichrist and kill him. Then Jesus will die and the Muslims will wash him and bury him” (p.161).
Such is the transformation—or mutilation—that Jesus has undergone in the Muslim tradition. And Christians are supposed to see this as a possible “bridge” to Islam, a source of “commonalities”?
It’s the same, incidentally, with other biblical characters. Consider Abraham (Ibrahim), whom this entire “Abrahamic” movement is named after. While Jews and Christians focus on different aspects of Abraham—the former see him as their patriarch in the flesh, the latter as their patriarch in faith or in spirit (e.g., Gal 3:6)—they both rely on the same verbatim account of Abraham found in Genesis.
The Muslim account, however, introduces and exemplifies the hate Muslims are obligated to have for non-Muslims: “You have a good example in Abraham and those who followed him,” Allah informs Muslims in Koran 60:4; “for they said to their people, ‘We disown you and the idols that you worship besides Allah. We renounce you: enmity and hate shall reign between us until you believe in Allah alone.’”
In fact, this verse is the cornerstone verse that all “radical” Muslims, especially of the Islamic State, cite as proof that Muslims must hate all non-Muslims. In other words, far from serving as a bridge between Islam and Judaism and Christianity, the Muslim Abraham teaches Muslims to hate Jews and Christians.
One can go on and on: according to Islamic traditions, Mary, the mother of Christ, is Muhammad’s “wife” in heaven—yet another characterization that would seem to sever hardly build “bridges,” especially for Catholics.
Surely it’s a curious thing: when certain people—namely, whites—“appropriate,” say, the superficial dress or costume of another people, woe, all is woe. But when Islam appropriates and completely perverts the central figures of two faiths, Judaism and Christianity, Jews and Christians are supposed to feel good about it, see it as an opportunity for “reconciliation” with Islam. Interesting how that works.
To be clear, the Muslim appropriation and subsequent mutilation of biblical figures is a source of problems, not solutions. It is only the secular mindset, which cannot rise beyond the surface fact that three religions claim the same figures—and so they must all eventually “get along”—that does not and never will get it. The Saint George article on My London—which spends an inordinate amount of time cracking jokes about drinking in pubs—is a perfect example.
Thank you Mr. Ibrahim for saying publicly what those of us who have learned about fundamentalist/political Islam have recognized since the rise of Islamism in the US. This so-called ‘bridge building’ is ‘click bait disarmament’ of the mind, body, and soul of the Christian and Jewish communities who reject their own religious devotional teachings and are ignorant of their own religious/historical texts and teachings. Many years back, I read an article by a young Muslim writer who discussed Abraham and Ishmael and the story of ‘the sacrifice’. He ended his essay with ‘ and there’s a version of the story in Judaism.’ That is the true attitude behind all of the so-called ‘commonalities.’
I believe Islam owes its very existence to Christianity. But why did Muhammad answer love with hate? How was our doctrine so twisted?
Or did the hatred come after Muhammad? Do we know?
When reading Islamic texts with themes relating to the life of Jesus, one gets the impression that their creation, as far as Christianity is concerned, was influenced mainly by Gnostic apocrypha ( clay birds, Jesus’ apparent death).
“Reconciliation” is one of the buzzwords in the new Marxist Social Justice movement, even being adopted by many misguided Christian leaders, who think we can all live happily every after with manipulating devilish Islam.
Hi Tershia, it indeed is so!
If you wish you can check my comment ^^,
Thank you for this interesting link. I learned about Wurmbrandt in the late 50’s from a German teacher who fled Eastern Germany.
Sadly, the world does not care much about persecuted Christians.
Thank you too! It is up to us to spread the word, through the social media and the like. Where persecuted Christians are, they can’t really speak against whatever it is that is torturing and mutilating them, it is up to us. Hope can be found in this truth: if we do not speak out, we’re next. Be it marxists of muslims, the same holds true.
“13Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
15Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.”
Matthew 7:13-20 KJV
Muhammad and Marx are the most murderous and, and still uncondemned, evildoers of the whole world. Each of these devils has caused the death of hundreds of millions, and enslaved just as many, and each has trapped more than a billion Souls in their grasp to this day, and has made miserable the life of billions, if not the whole world. Because there is not a corner of the world where their evil doctrines have not went. Everywhere in the world, wherever they go, just like Muslim Turks, only a trail of death, misery and… genocide, and just what can I say. Doctrines that, worst of all, brought so many to damnation.
Marx was a devil-worshipper:
Muhammad was deceived by the evil one.
They’re uncondemned yet, because the worst of the worst are left for the very end. Because they are doctrines set by the evil one. They are like two horns, yet a third and the most evil one of all, is to come, the Antichrist; we rejoice eternally that he has been hurled down from Heaven, to be here among us soon, so that he may be thrown further down, into the eternal fire, and be bound there for all eternity.
It is only right that our Lord Jesus Christ, the vanquisher of evil, the Eternal King of Peace and Glory, to free us from those evil doctrines. Just today I was thinking, what a wonderful example Our Lord Jesus Christ has left for our encouragement: Spain. Like a mustard seed, the Christian faith grew and grew in the Ibedian peninsula. Our Lord will vanquish the forces of evil, just like He has said and shown He Will:
“In the silence and stillness of the night, St Fernando heard Christ answer him:
“I want to make your whole life like a representation and marvelous parable so that the coming centuries may contemplate the war that I, Eternal King and Universal Lord, wage against the powers of darkness, to conquer the entire earth for my Father. Fernando, you will be the noble and considerate king who leads his vassals in this great enterprise, the courageous and mortified King who, above all others, charges ahead in the midst of danger and endures the strain of hard work and the fatigue of battle. You will be the generous and magnanimous King who in victory does not worry about his treasures, but distributes the spoils among his faithful knights.””
Likewise with Resurrected Russia, the whole world thought her dead, yet the Lord our God watched over her, and the Most Holy Theotokos oversaw and oversees the Church there, our Lady of Derzhavnaya:
Few could have guessed such a turn of events, and the most amazing ones are yet to come!
The fate of the evil doctrines is unevitable: the fate of Hitler and Nazism. The whole world seeing them for what they are. Yet now we are all witnesses to their unstoppable bloodthirst.
It is sooo important to pray for the Persecuted Church! Your monthly Christian Persecution logs truly open our eyes, thank you!
These last days I have been coming across videos that the following sequence of events will happen sometime soon: a Warning, a Great Miracle, and only then would the serious Chastisement follow.
And that the Great Miracle would be a Cross in the sky. I don’t know what will happen, I just wish to follow His Plan for my life, wherever I may go I wish to be where it is His Will .
That isn’t Islam fyi, that is the Shia Iranian/Persian view of Islam where they pray to and worship Ali.
That isn’t Islam fyi, that is the Shia Iranian/Persian view of Islam where they pray to and worship Ali.