Despite Facebook’s zeal at censoring so-called “hate speech” and “offensive content,” violent, radical, and murderous content from Muslim terror groups is allowed to appear on and make use of the social media giant’s platform. According to a recent report,
Facebook allowed photos of beheadings and violent hate speech from ISIS and the Taliban to be tagged as “insightful” and “engaging”…
Extremists have turned to the social media platform as a weapon “to promote their hate-filled agenda and rally supporters” on hundreds of groups…
These groups have sprouted up across the platform over the last 18 months and vary in size from a few hundred to tens of thousands of members, the review found.
One pro-Taliban group created in spring this year and had grown to 107,000 members before it was deleted, the review, published by Politico, claims.
Overall, extremist content is “routinely getting through the net,” despite claims from Meta – the company that owns Facebook – that it’s cracking down on extremists.
There were reportedly “scores of groups” allowed to operate on Facebook that were supportive of either Islamic State or the Taliban, according to a new report.
This matter is significantly worse when one looks at Facebook in Arabic and other Muslim languages. In the last few years, I’ve seen countless Arabic-language content on Facebook and other social media giants that amounts to nothing less than terroristic incitement. Usually, these posts remain on the social media platforms for years—until, of course, I or others draw attention to them in English-language articles, at which point they are conveniently removed. In other words, as long as only Muslims see—and are radicalized by—these posts full of hatred and incitement for violence against non-Muslims, social media leave them up; once Western “infidels” get wind of these posts, which further stand to make Islam look bad, social media take them down.
Indeed, only recently I translated an immensely profane and hate-filled Arabic tirade from a New York-based Muslim man against two Christian men from Egypt—a rant that culminates with him loudly threatening decapitation to anyone who “hurts the reputation of Muhammad.” This video, which currently has nearly 100,000 views, is, apparently because it’s only in Arabic, (currently) still up on YouTube.
Meanwhile, social media, especially Facebook, are notoriously quick to censor content that exposes the jihadists. This it calls “hate speech.” As discussed in more detail here, Facebook earlier banned—and continues shadow banning—me, for posts that report on Muslims persecuting Christians—which Facebook characterized as “going against our Community Standards.”
Similarly, YouTube earlier censored my Prager U video on that exact topic; it also once temporarily banned me for uploading and sharing a video of Islamic State members destroying crosses and desecrating churches in Syria and Iraq—even though that video was not “graphic” (it depicted buildings and crosses, inanimate objects) and had for weeks been going viral on Arabic media.
Incidentally and rather ironically, while “competing Sunni and Shia militia reportedly trolled each other by posting pornographic images” on social media—and, according to the new report, got away with it—for some Los Angeles Wi-Fi networks, it’s my site, which is devoted to the Islamic question, that is banned as “pornography.”
Such is the true extent of the problem posed by the social media giants: not only do they, as many already know, censor those who expose Islamic hate and violence; they also allow Islamic hate and violence to proliferate and radicalize Muslims.
I was watching our new channel GBNews where I heard Ann Widdecombe, former MEP and Conservative Minister, who campaigns for free speech, say that what we need is that “those who do not like the current trend to start actively resisting”.
Most companies don’t seem to do that. They seem to buckle under the small “woke” minority. And universities are now teaching our students WHAT to think instead of HOW to think, which even applies to children in schools. So how do we start “actively resisting”? Raymond Ibrahim is actively resisting and we thank him for it and appreciate his efforts and what we learn from him which we don’t from the press and media, but are our posts enough? Are we going to let a small minority dictate to us what to think and what we are allowed to say? Indeed not only to us but to our children and grand-children? And why is this so-called ‘globalisation’ happening only in what is known as the West? The US, Canada, the UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand.
Personnel is policy … and policy is personnel.
FascistBook hires only Muslims to do content review and Arabic language moderation. So it would be natural to expect a pro-Islamic bias in all Arabic language content. Combine that fact with an intentional hatred of all things Christian and Western and a love affair with communism and (actual) genocidal fascism directed against all free and Western nations … and it’s surprising they take any pro-Islamic content down … or allow any to remain.
Of course, that’s part of the propaganda too. If they allowed Muslims to hold child-sex slave markets in English-language with just enough filters to weed out the soccer moms(D), and just erased Raymond Ibrahim from the internet (both are possible) … the bias would be too obvious. Even Reddit and 4-chan soy boys might take notice.
All of this was entirely predictable. And should have been expected when Jimmy F. Carter created the Dept. of Labor and installed a Human Rights Violation Department in every American corporation with more than a couple of dozen employees.
We didn’t however because in 1976 conservatives were still worried that kids might get engineering degrees … and Leftards were worried that inventors might create flying cars (and cause global cooling with chem-trails) … no one was fretting about too much communism except the William F. Buckley, Jr. types (the John Birch Society having devolved into a fringe cult operation). And, of course, the Buckley types thought the solution was to grant the Uber Elite American Aristocracy Lower Marginal Tax Rates to Overcome the Drooling Hillbillies and Knuckle-dragging Neanderthals in Fly-over Country. All of these idiots were surprised – and blamed each other – when America embarked on a Make Communists in China the Greatest Power on Earth … and they mocked the few Christians trying to warn them.
To be fair, most Christian leaders at the time were saying the same thing then that they said now … ‘run for the hills … don’t do anything practical … bad things are afoot so just shove your head in the sand … ‘
In hindsight, it’s obvious that the collapse of the West was due to the apostasy of Christian leadership. All Christian leaders then – and now – believe in two sides – ‘science’ – which really means Atheist gibberish or ‘faith’ – which really means fairy tales. And so most of them have no understanding of the past, no vision for the future, and no courage to stand against evil.
Do they really think God will come down from Heaven and rapture them because they are cowering in fear and refusing to take up the fight against the devil’s minions? … Yes. Exactly.
… And so we have no Christian organization like Samaritan’s purse dedicated to getting jobs for the cancelled, fighting the jab mandates, or supporting businesses doing what needs to be done … and none of them are working on infiltrating election offices or the Deep State Enterprises known as ‘Big Tech.’
Seriously – think about it – Samaritan’s purse operates in Muslim nations and they had about $924MM annual revenue in 2020 .. but they can’t afford to infiltrate Fascist Book with a few Arabic speakers? … or infiltrate election offices with some operatives who won’t steal elections? … or infiltrate health organizations with doctors who won’t take bribes from communists? …
… with ministries like Samaritan’s purse – that do good work – but they only respond to the victims and never to the perps – Christianity cannot go forward, but can only yield more and more power and influence to the devil’s minions.
Sorry about the long ramble … but there is no way to fix Fascist Book without fixing the personnel problem … and if we could do that … or would do that … there is so much more we coulda, woulda, shoulda done long before we ever got to this point.
God bless you and yours, Raymond, and … Happy New Year to everyone here…
Yes, must resist the oppression, if for no other reason but survival