Thank you for this video and your sincere research. I appreciate your dedication to exposing the truth, otherwise I, and others, would be clueless regarding this!
It’s horrible that the persecution is mostly ignored and not stopped by the ‘determined to be useless hindrances’ we have as world leaders in this age!
I know we can with our prayers, make a difference! Have you been on fox news? Perhaps they would help you expose this?!
Awaiting Yeshua’s rapturing of all of His believers off the earth! Then the haters will all be shocked & probably kill each other.
Je suis un apostat de l’islam et j’ai la chance d’avoir échappé à la loi islamique. Aujourd’hui Français, j’essaie par mes faibles moyens de réveiller mes compatriotes face aux dangers que représente l’islam pour TOUS les non-musulmans. Malheureusement, les dirigeants mondiaux, à l’exception de quelques-uns (notamment Polonais, Autrichiens et Hongrois, taxés de racistes d’ultra-droite) protègent les plus grands prédateurs qu’ait connu la Terre à ce jour. Les intérêts économiques de nos gouvernants passent avant la divulgation de la vérité, et nous et nos enfants, nous le paieront très cher tôt ou tard. L’avenir de l’Humanité est en jeu et la menace est bien pire que tout ce que l’Humanité a connu, bien pire que le nazisme, le maoïsme et le marxisme-léninisme réunis;
Merci à Raymond pour son immense et extraordinaire travail.
Thank you for continuing to highlight this Raymond. We sincerely need to be aware of the global picture of increasing Christian persecution if for no other reason than to establish that what is happening to us in the West – which so transfixes us – is simply a small part of the greater picture of what is happening internationally. We do like to live in our own miserable little bubble while remaining ignorant of the bigger picture. God bless you. I continue to pray for you.
God bless you and continue to guard you, Raymond, and your family. In a sane western world, you would be known widely and followed avidly, but we know what blindness lies over the western construct. For all we know, the Great Tribulation spoken of by Daniel [12:1], by Jesus, by apostle Paul, and John The Revelator has already begun. When a great storm approaches, in the early going the only clue a human has without technology is just a faint gathering of overcast way out on the horizon – the shadow of which very gradually begins to move overhead, darkening ever so slowly. We in the wealthy, comfortable West will be slow to see what’s happening, be in in this era or one yet to come. Very little of the nations of this world is safe for Christians now, and we run out of places to which to flee persecution, as Jesus told us to do. Nonetheless Great Awakening is occurring in the least likely places, where Christians are harshly attacked. God awaken us all. You Raymond may be a great prophet, as so often such men are not so regarded in their own lifespan.
Aloha Raymond,
Thank you for this video and your sincere research. I appreciate your dedication to exposing the truth, otherwise I, and others, would be clueless regarding this!
It’s horrible that the persecution is mostly ignored and not stopped by the ‘determined to be useless hindrances’ we have as world leaders in this age!
I know we can with our prayers, make a difference! Have you been on fox news? Perhaps they would help you expose this?!
Awaiting Yeshua’s rapturing of all of His believers off the earth! Then the haters will all be shocked & probably kill each other.
Michèle in Hawaii
Aloha, Michèle, de Hawaï
Je suis un apostat de l’islam et j’ai la chance d’avoir échappé à la loi islamique. Aujourd’hui Français, j’essaie par mes faibles moyens de réveiller mes compatriotes face aux dangers que représente l’islam pour TOUS les non-musulmans. Malheureusement, les dirigeants mondiaux, à l’exception de quelques-uns (notamment Polonais, Autrichiens et Hongrois, taxés de racistes d’ultra-droite) protègent les plus grands prédateurs qu’ait connu la Terre à ce jour. Les intérêts économiques de nos gouvernants passent avant la divulgation de la vérité, et nous et nos enfants, nous le paieront très cher tôt ou tard. L’avenir de l’Humanité est en jeu et la menace est bien pire que tout ce que l’Humanité a connu, bien pire que le nazisme, le maoïsme et le marxisme-léninisme réunis;
Merci à Raymond pour son immense et extraordinaire travail.
Thank you Mr. Ibrahim. How can we get this news out to the public??
Raymond, Are your books available in Australia?
Thank you for continuing to highlight this Raymond. We sincerely need to be aware of the global picture of increasing Christian persecution if for no other reason than to establish that what is happening to us in the West – which so transfixes us – is simply a small part of the greater picture of what is happening internationally. We do like to live in our own miserable little bubble while remaining ignorant of the bigger picture. God bless you. I continue to pray for you.
God bless you and continue to guard you, Raymond, and your family. In a sane western world, you would be known widely and followed avidly, but we know what blindness lies over the western construct. For all we know, the Great Tribulation spoken of by Daniel [12:1], by Jesus, by apostle Paul, and John The Revelator has already begun. When a great storm approaches, in the early going the only clue a human has without technology is just a faint gathering of overcast way out on the horizon – the shadow of which very gradually begins to move overhead, darkening ever so slowly. We in the wealthy, comfortable West will be slow to see what’s happening, be in in this era or one yet to come. Very little of the nations of this world is safe for Christians now, and we run out of places to which to flee persecution, as Jesus told us to do. Nonetheless Great Awakening is occurring in the least likely places, where Christians are harshly attacked. God awaken us all. You Raymond may be a great prophet, as so often such men are not so regarded in their own lifespan.