It’s official: The United Nations, following the Muslim world’s lead, has formally accepted the concept of “Islamophobia,” a move that will undoubtedly further paralyze any measures against Islamic aggression, or, in a word, jihad.
On March 15, 2022, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution to mark that date, March 15, as “the International Day to Combat Islamophobia.”
The resolution was introduced by Pakistan, and supported by 55 Muslim-majority countries of the Riyadh-based Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which is also trying to get the UN to accept “blasphemy” laws.
There are two points worth considering here: what this bill will do; and the hypocrisy of all who support it.
For starters, the resolution will further freeze any and all frank discussions on Islam and its body of teachings, since any criticism can and will easily fall into the category of “Islamophobia”—and that, of course, is the whole point: to place Islam on a pedestal and shield it from any criticism. Indeed, not a few international observers have made this point.
According to an EU statement:
We are concerned with the approach of addressing only one religion through a General Assembly initiative…. By using the term ‘Islamophobia’ instead of ‘anti-Muslim discrimination’ or ‘anti-Muslim hatred’, the OIC initiative focuses on protecting religion as such which is an approach that undermines the protection of the individual human rights of persons, such as the rights to freedom of opinion and expression, including the right to debate and criticise religion [emphasis added].
Similarly, the “term Islamophobia has no agreed upon definition in international law, unlike the freedom of religion or conviction,” said Nicolas de Riviere, the French permanent representative to the UN. “But it’s this liberty [freedom of religion or conviction] that France defends [as opposed to the religion of Islam itself]… The phrase [Islamophobia] also suggests that it’s the religion itself that is protected, not the believers. Yet it’s the liberty to believe, or not believe, or the right to change religion, that we should promote.”
Citing discrimination against Hindus, Sikhs, and Buddhists, India’s permanent representative, TS Tirumurti, called on the UN to condemn “religiophobias” as opposed to singling out “Islamophobia”: “we are concerned about elevating the phobia against one religion [Islam] to the level of an international day, to the exclusion of all the others.”
It should be noted that while France and India both spoke against the resolution, neither opposed its adoption by consensus.
At any rate, the actual reason many feel that Islam should be granted special protection is that, unlike Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc., many of its teachings are problematic—killing apostates and “blasphemers,” treating women like chattel and legalizing sexual slavery, to name a few—and, therefore, not suited for the modern world. Hence the real need to silence all criticism in the guise of “protecting Muslims.”
Meanwhile, those who truly need protecting from Muslims—for instance, religious minorities—get zero recognition by the UN. The Muslim persecution of Christians, for example, is a real phenomenon: it’s unwavering, constant, systematic and systemic, and it conforms to sharia-approved patterns—meaning its root source is Islam. Since July 2011, I’ve been compiling a monthly series, “Muslim Persecution of Christians” (published by the Gatestone Institute), collating and summarizing the one or two dozen accounts of persecution that surface every month. The accounts documented in every one of these now 125 reports typically fit under the same themes—including the bombing, burning or banning of churches; the rape and forced conversion of Christian women; murderous attacks on and long prison sentences for apostates, blasphemers, and evangelists; overall discrimination and exploitation; and, increasingly, the outright slaughter of Christians. (For more on the doctrinal and historic background of this phenomenon, see this more elaborate and detailed article.)
Similarly, a study published in January 2022 found that, in 2021, “over 360 million Christians suffer[ed] high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith.” On average, 16 Christians were killed for their faith every single day. During that same period, more than 5,000 churches were attacked and/or destroyed.
And the overwhelming majority of this persecution took place at the hands of Muslims. Worse, the Muslim nations that are especially brutal and notorious in their persecution of Christians—including Afghanistan and Somalia, respectively considered the worst and third worst persecutors and murderers of Christians in the entire world—are members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the same group that sponsored the “Islamophobia” resolution that the UN just adopted. Equally disgusting is that Pakistan—where not one week seems to go by without an underage Christian girl being kidnapped, raped, forced to convert and marry her abductor, with the police and courts siding with the rapists—is the nation that submitted the resolution.
Of course, this brand of hypocrisy should be familiar by now: just as one stands to be “canceled” for saying something like “all lives matter”—since the currently approved formulation is that only “black lives matter”—so now one cannot say that “all religions matter,” only Islam, the one religion that the UN has just granted a privileged position.
Raymond Ibrahim, author of the new book, Defenders of the West: The Christian Heroes Who Stood Against Islam, is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, a Judith Rosen Friedman Fellow at the Middle East Forum, and a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Gatestone Institute.
Highly disturbing and I agree with everything you say, Raymond. The UN does not stand for liberal values of individual freedom anymore. This is a significant historic milestone.
Like a bad tide.
End Times are here.
Islamists see these developments as prophecy unfolding. In their eyes why stop? None of their blood being shed.
Western crooked and morally compromised politicians seem to race each other in appeasing.
Benedict Blighten surrendered Afghanistan on 9/11.
The US Congress opened up after Biden took his place as Thief In Chief.
Wuth a prayer to Hindu god brahma!
Lesson. This is what happens when US leaders act as if they no longer need God’s protection and providence.
We’ve had plagues, disease, disasters, losing wars, losing allies, helping enemies, energy shortages, with losses of liberty and identity.
From top down bad and corrupt.
Divided we fall.
Well said, Bull Herman, in particular: “Western crooked and morally compromised politicians seem to race each other in appeasing” and “We’ve had plagues, disease, disasters, losing wars, losing allies, helping enemies, energy shortages, with losses of liberty and identity.”
Growing up in South Africa during the apartheid years provided an excellent opportunity to the view the hypocrisy of the U.N. and the double standards and selective morality of Western nations too cowardly to confront vastly worse practicers of injustices and human rights abuse. In 1950 China brutally invaded Tibet that was no threat to anyone. In 1975 Indonesia invaded East Timor and committed genocide. For more than 20 years the Muslim government in Sudan assaulted and murdered the non-Muslim, mostly Christian, inhabitants of Southern Sudan and Darfur. More than 2 million were killed. Of these the U.N. and Western countries said little, but of apartheid – because of this white people were guilty – the hypocritical, virtue signalling likes of Sweden, Canada and Australia in particular, made much. Having turned their backs on God, Western nations have degenerated into appeasing cowards, so tolerate Muslim lies, in the process turning this world into a place in which deceit and lies abound, truth and facts count for little.
Let’s face it. Who cares about the UN?
I must send this to Jacinda and her cohorts!! from Trevor in New Zealand’
Will you really send it Trevor? Bravo if you do but, I’d be looking for a friendly MP or military person retired probably best with credentials to be respected, listened to.
I doubt PM J will even give it a glance. If she continues in her quest of inclusion, and is not stopped by the people, it will be a sad situation.
How’s the gas prices?
Thanks Raymond – I always mention Three Adversaries the West faces with existential consequences, Communism (from Russia, China, and smaller actors), Radical Islam (primarily Iran and its proxies but, all of Islam that is not in its own restructuring away from Jihad), and the Western Progressive ideologs who will drive us to extinction if they capture the reins of power and delude the people into supporting them.
Weak and blind as they are – I imagine they will surrender to one of the totalitarian groups
I do still have hope in the rising conservative tide of basic Western values. If we can hold on through the mid-terms in the US.
Thanks again, Raymond
Thanks for your information. Wake up America!
The UN is an evil entity, so it is shocking but not surprising that they will help another evil entity further their satanic goals of capturing the world for Allah.
The pagans of the world have been blinded by their unbelief in God. They will eventually feel the wrath of God, which scripture describes as ‘a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God’, Hebrews 10v31.
Thank you Mr. Ibrahim for regularly providing us with the truth about Islam and her cohorts, of whom Canada under Trudeau is one. To quote a Gatestone article in 2017, ‘The Canadian parliament voted through a blasphemy law specifically to protect Islam. Al-Jazeera was happy to report that the vote condemned Islamophobia …….etc’. There is much more to report than this.
I pray for your safety.
Beware the Ides Of March.
Thanks Ibrahim . I want to share and recommend for all of you this great event about cristians persecution from today, marz 23. Madrid Spain ” The witness night ” : “
The UN is a Communist Socialist organisation which is why it protects only Islam, its useful partner in crime, and no other religion, when Christians and others are being abused and murdered by the hundreds in Islamic countries every day. As James Simpson states:”…the UN is essentially a Communist organisation. Its purpose from the beginning was to advance the International Communist movement under the banner of ‘one world government’. The Soviets always saw the UN as an instrument of their foreign policy. It was deliberately created by Alger Hiss and his small goup of fellow Communists. All of those organisations clamoring for the ‘great reset’ are similarly disposed. Is this because they really believe a world government would improve economic conditions and ‘save the oppressed of the earth?’.No, of course not. As we now know, the Left everywhere is greedy for power. And those at the top see themselves glorified in unlimited power and wealth. They want to make a heaven here for themselves that will be a hell for everyone else…. That is the true essence of Communism. They think they can replace God” (Who was Karl Marx?:106, 2021). Thank you Raymond Ibrahim for compiling your “Monthly Persecution of Christians” and keepiing us informed.
I agree.
The UN is quite corrupt, and this is not the comment of one or two people.
Well said, Mary.
I dont know why the whole world ignored the historically and even continuous bullying of Islam. Christian world, who face the fierce brutality, rapes and slaughter and fight imposed battle with Islam did doing nothing to even It have the power and might to do so, but ironically doing things which favour radical islam. The dooms day are near. The next world war will be War between Islam vs others and It is better to start it as soon as possible. With each passing day islamists gaining power with our own methods.