Day by day, it seems that the ruling class and their media mouthpiece are dedicated to one principle: find problems where none exist and ignore real problems that are in desperate need of attention.
Consider the words of U.S. President Joe Biden, spoken during Eid al-Fitr with Muslims at the White House on May 2. He said:
[T]oday, around the world, we’re seeing so many Muslims being targeted with violence. No one, no one should discriminate against oppressed or be oppressed for their religious beliefs…. Muslims make our nation stronger every single day, even as they still face real challenges and threats in our society, including targeted violence and Islamophobia that exists.
Now, let’s briefly parse these surreal claims:
[T]oday, around the world, we’re seeing so many Muslims being targeted with violence.
Where are the statistics for this claim? Rather, what we’re used to seeing is Muslims targeting non-Muslims with violence. According to one tally, for example, during just this last Ramadan, or basically the month of April 2022, Muslims launched 177 terror attacks “in the name of Islam” that murdered 1,086 people. Again, that’s just during one month—Islam’s “holiest” month. The same tally finds that there were zero attacks and zero deaths by non-Muslims operating under the name of their religions.
No one, no one should discriminate against oppressed or be oppressed for their religious beliefs.
Of course, everyone agrees with this—except, apparently, the one group that Biden was speaking to and presenting as “oppressed,” namely, Muslims: systematic discrimination and oppression are endemic to the Muslim world, and that’s because systematic discrimination and oppression are integral parts of the religion of Islam and codified in sharia.
If you’re a non-Muslim, you are openly treated as inferior and with fewer rights. That’s if you’re lucky; otherwise, you’re outright persecuted and possibly killed for your faith. As a recent report found, 360 million Christians around the world are persecuted for their religious identity—and the overwhelming majority of that persecution occurs in Muslim nations. In fact, the persecution Christians experience in 39 of the worst 50 nations is due to Islam. Yet never a word about this from Biden. Instead:
Muslims make our nation stronger every single day, even as they still face real challenges and threats in our society, including targeted violence and Islamophobia that exists.
While one can point to several ways Muslims potentially make the U.S. weaker every day—from terror attacks and violent crimes to engaging in propaganda and subverting the nation from within—it would be helpful to list one reason as to how “Muslims make our nation stronger every single day.” Sure, it sounds nice, but some concrete examples, please.
As for Biden’s complaint about “targeted violence and Islamophobia that exists,” as seen, whatever that may be, it is a tithe of the targeted violence that Muslims launch on others.
As for the “Islamophobia that exists”—and which has existed since Islam was born, for obvious reasons—it is simply a manifestation of the fact that more and more people are learning the truths of Muhammad’s creed, despite the talking points of Biden and the rest.
I don’t think he really knows what he is talking about and he most certainly hasn’t read any history. I wonder if he really knows who attacked on 9/11! However, we shoud not be critical of him as I don’t think he is 100% with it! On the other hand, it is a good public relations opportunity for fishing for more voters.Isn’t that what politicians are alwaysd doing?
Biden doesn’t know what he is talking about.
Good to see you here Danos. Many of the comments of you and Mary A have been extremely enlightening to me.
I think you’re being kind to Biden is admirable. He is indeed a puppet spouting whatever his handlers put in front of him, my opinion.
his press secretary, Ms Psaki, said he talks daily to his “friend” former Pres Obama. Puppeteer perhaps??
He probably goes up the garden in the White House….to talk to the fairies, or He could be praying?? from Trevor in New Zealand.
Hi Don,
Thank you. I have to say that very often I get so angry at all the lies that I prefer to stay quiet lest I say something beyond the bounds of civility.
“Today around the world we’re seeing so many Moslems being targeted with violence”. Poor, poor things, Really? Hasn’t he got this mixed up with Christians around the world who are being decimated day in day out just for not converting to Islam?
“No one, no one should discriminate against oppressed or be oppressed for their religious beliefs”. Yes, I really believe that myself but do Moslems believe it? How can they? They are bound by the words of their Prophet that you either convert to Islam, pay the jizya or, worse, the devshirme, or have your neck cut off, and even that of members of your family, until the whole world is converted to this …….. (fill in your own words, mine are beyong the bounds of civility)..
How could the President of the United States sit there and praise coreligionists of those who not so long ago brought down the Twin Towers in which nearly 3000 American souls lost their lives, trying to save themselves from the fire by jumping out of high rise windows to another horrible death. How could he do this to the families of all those who lost their lives in those horrible circumtances that fateful day? If HE didn’t know what he was talking about didn’t those around him and those who wrote his speech realise that their guests believe in the same Koran and the same dictats of the same Prophet of Islam? Didn’t they realise that their guests would go home laughing their heads off having made a fool of the supposed leader of the Western World who is praising them for killing his own citizens? Can you think of a Moslem leader who would ever do that?
PS. Again and again “Thank you Raymond” for keeping us aware of what is happening. Bless you and your family.
Not too sure who brought the twin towers down or who REALLY organised that incident. Anyway, America is in downfall, as many “empires” around the world before. I think the following is very very true and reflects reality:
The founder of Dubai, Sheik Rashid, was asked about the future of his country, and he replied, “My grandfather rode a camel, my father rode a camel, I ride a Mercedes, my son rides a Land Rover, and my grandson is going to ride a Land Rover…but my great-grandson is going to have to ride a camel again. “Why is that?” he was asked.
And his reply was, “Hard times create strong men, strong men create easy times. Easy times create weak men, weak men create difficult times. Many will not understand it, but you must raise warriors, not parasites.”
And add to that the historical reality that all great empires… the Persians, the Trojans, the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, and in later years, the British… all rose and perished within 240 years.
They were not conquered by external enemies; they rotted from within.
America has now passed that 240-year mark, and the rot is starting to be visible and is accelerating.
We are past the Mercedes and Land Rover Years…. the camels are on the horizon.
The greatest generation consisted of 18-year-old kids storming the beaches at “Normandy”. And now, two generations later, some 18-year-old kids want to hide in safe rooms when they hear words that hurt their feelings.
They also want free stuff from the government because they think they are entitled to it. The “camels are on the horizon” for sure…
You know very well who destroyed the Twin Towers and killed so many innocent people. If you still doubt that nothing I can say will change your mind. But I still have confidence in America. It’s a great country and there are many many good people there I met throughout the years – of all colours, who don’t deserve some of the leaders they get, They don’t deserve the mafia like George Soros and his ilk, who have taken over the Democrat Party (there is someone in the UK too, I think his name is Peter Sutherland) who spend their billions to destroy our Western civilisation in the US, Canada, the UK, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, by introducing a Trojan Horse into our countries. But we have to stop them one way or another because if they succeed life will be hell for our children and grand-children just as it is now in Moslem majority countries where Christians are murdered every day and the Western Press says nothing. A million thanks to Raymond Ibrahim for all his efforts to keep us informed.
Joe…..are you looking for your marbles?? you will find them on the floor, by your feet!! from Trevor in New Zealand
The appeasement train just keeps on rolling on.
Nothing seems to stop it’s progress. It’s a pandemic of pandering to false history and false facts, ignoring the very real worldwide persecution of Christians. Thanks for all you do Raymond to inform us of the truth.
The world is in chaos, more so since America is led by an incompetent demented old man, and Canada by a narcissistic psychopath. Both of them prefer to dance with the devil than look after the well-being of the citizens under their charge. While both support Marxist ideology we will go from bad to worst.
Hi Ms Tershia. Praying specifically these days for justice, in the land of the living.
The investigations by Durham, with zero leaks thus far, show real promise.
Change the word Muslims to Christians and the phrase is correct!
Biden has no idea of the evils of islum…..
Islum wants America to end
Hé knows very well I think. He is in collaboration with them. So was ” it is true McCain did not mention my Muslim faith” Obama
“Catholic” Biden an apostate by default, has made so many errors he is clutching at every straw to save whats left of his Democrat profile.
I have tried several times to receive new posts by email but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? R. A. Barnett
Ron, make sure you’re logged into a WordPress account.
Be sure and check all the 3 boxes below the comment window.
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I’m a carpenter no tech guy but maybe these will help. Best of luck.
Thanks Raymond. Brief and concise I’ll send this one along and see if I get some responses.
Continuing my read of Sword/Guindy slowly, but extremely interesting. Thanks again for the Recommendation, marvelous writing, detailed but reads easily.
Turkey and Azerbaijan attacked Christian Armenians and used international terrorists to do so.
You don’t hear Biden talking about THAT.
Look at this article (Turkey: A state sponsor of terrorism?) by a terrorism expert:
Yet the US says and does nothing.
Biden, talk about turkey and azerbiijan? He only has good words about them, particularly turkey. But Erdogan is fulling them all. He is neutral, sas turksy has alwyas been iun two WWs. Now he is even a peace keeper!!!! The country that invated Cyprus in 1974 and ocupies nearly 40% of the island, raped, massacred, stole everything in the occupied area, destroyed churches and colonised the island with hundreds of thousand of turks from mainland. Anyone said anything? The UN? USA? EU? No one. Yet now they all place embargoes on Rusia. They are ignorand of history, and history repeats itself. One day they will wake up, probably, but it till be too late.
Danos, I understand your feelings. I cried – and am still crying – when those barbarians invaded Cyprus destroying everything in their way. But don’t turn against America. The American people are not at fault. The leftist Globalists are, George Soros and Co., who have taken over the Democratic Party and want to destroy America. It is these leftist globalists who are allied with Islam – a very willing partner – in order to destroy Christianity and Western civilisation because Christianity is the bulwark against globalisation. So in order to reach their goal they have to destroy Christianity. Whether you are a Christian, pro-Christianity or not, is irrelevant. If you love your country, if you are a patriot, you are against globalism. Globalism will destroy patriotism, your country, your Continent, the whole of Western civilisation, not only the US, but as I said above, also Canada, the UK, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, which is what the globalists are after. However, MOST IMPORTANT, they don’t want to do their dirty work themselves. They want us to do it for them by turning against America because they see that America does not help the Christian nations like Armenia against Azerbadjian, Cyprus against Turkey. Caliph Erdogan’s planes fly over Greece daily but is anyone trying to stop him? The pipeline from Israel through Cyprus Greece and Italy to Europe was stopped by Biden. Why? Because Caliph Erdogan complained? Don’t do their dirty work for them. That’s what they are waiting for. It isn’t the American people who are at fault. It is the Leftist Globalists who want to turn us against America and they are not only in America but everywhere in the West to try and destroy us. This is how I understand it and if anyone can explain all this better please do.
PS. They want us to do it for them by turning US against America because WE see that America….. (Sorry about my mistake)
There are 15 times as many atheists as Mohammedans in the US, but nobody worries about our inclusion, or promises to appoint atheists to top positions. Maybe the trouble is we haven’t done any shenanigans like the Mohammedans. A little jihad can get you perks.
I think this person is a sycophant for Muslims or is in a coma kkkkk
Biden actually wants massive Muslim migration here, Muslims are at the top of his list as he gleefully welcomes Whites becoming an “absolute minority”:
I doubt that this demented fool has a clue about reality unless it has a $ attached to it. I watched a video of him signing documents in the WH and you could hear him say: “I have no idea what i am signing”.
But his handlers do have a clue about their aims and in my world, they would be hanged as traitors to the west, genocide enablers and criminals, full stop.
These bureaucratic “enablers”, almost none elected, in the west are the phalanx of the globalist/communist/muslim war against the west and they have too much control in every western state. Trump’s only mistake was assuming that public servants actually serve their people and not their own politics. Think about that and the Covid lunacy advice from whom? Bureaucrats with personal political vested interests.
P.S. To my comment above 05/09/2022 at 5.46pm: Peter Sutherland, whom Leo Hohmann in his book “Stealth Invasion” described as the “European equivalent of George Soros” (p.90) and a globalist, died in 2018 after an illness.