Earlier today, a Muslim mob beat and burned to death a female Christian student in Nigeria. She was apparently accused of “blasphemy.”
A brief video clip shows a massive fire against a wall, where the hapless woman was likely driven to and cornered in, and Muslims jumping around it and crying “Allahu Akbar.” One man, dressed in traditional Muslim attire, triumphantly jabbers while waving around a box of matches—perhaps the same used to ignite the “blasphemer.”
The Christian girl had apparently challenged a group of Muslim students spreading Islamic propaganda, thereby rousing their ire in a nation where Christians are being purged in a genocide (and where just two days ago 29 other Christians were hacked to death by Muslims).
The incident occurred on the grounds of the Shehu Shagari College of Education. It published a statement today saying that, “Following today’s early morning Students rampage in the College,” the college would be closed “indefinitely” and called on students to “vacate” the premises “immediately.”
This is certainly not the first time a Muslim mob burns Christians alive on the charge that they had someone “blasphemed” against Islam. Most notably, in 2015, a Muslim “mob accused of burning alive a Christian couple in an industrial kiln in Pakistan allegedly wrapped a pregnant mother in cotton so she would catch fire more easily, according to family members who witnessed the attack,” reported NBC News. As it is still too early to get any details on today’s burning, for an idea of the rage that can animate easily offended Muslims, here are the details of the burning of that Christian couple in Pakistan:
Sajjad Maseeh, 27, and his wife Shama Bibi, 24, were set upon by at least 1,200 people after rumors circulated that they had burned verses from the Quran, family spokesman Javed Maseeh told NBC News via telephone late Thursday. Their legs were also broken so they couldn’t run away.
“They picked them up by their arms and legs and held them over the brick furnace until their clothes caught fire,” he said. “And then they threw them inside the furnace.”
Bibi, a mother of four who was four months pregnant, was wearing an outfit that initially didn’t burn, according to Javed Maseeh. The mob removed her from over the kiln and wrapped her up in cotton to make sure the garments would be set alight.
Meanwhile, in Joe Biden’s world, it’s Muslims who are being persecuted, due to “Islamophobia” and what not.
Islam never had and never will have anything good for the future of the world.
How many times does it have to prove it?
If actions such as this are in worship to their God, some god, best left alone I would have thought . Just proves the danger of orthodox religions, some are undoubtedly worse than others.
Sorry to hear your blanket condemnation of all religions Tony. I think you are missing some information or looking only at atrocities committed in the name of religions but not at all in the teachings.
Problem with Islam is these activities are part of their history from the the earliest days, after the first 10 years I believe. Raymond could verify the dates when the militarization started.
Feel free to comment to me or challenge.
islam is as islam does and it is all there to see in the hadith and the koran: evil personified and structured. What you see is what it is.: violent, vengeful, cruel, and a shackle to all those enthralled within it and a murderous weapon to those without.
But Christianity is seen and judged by far too many as a function of the behaviour of churches over the last 2 millennia. That is a gross and severe mistake. Churches are POLITICAL man in action and power is their aim and no Christian church IMO is free of this disease although some come close.
Christianity itself is purely a function of the acts and words of Jesus of Nazareth covered in all existing gospels and any opinion of it based upon the acts or words of a church is not Christianity but of political man.
The lunacy of the heresy wars of the early/mid first millennium, the murders of the Cathars, and the Knights Templar etc., etc., ad infin, are typical of human power and greed, not of any god nor of JoN who would have been appalled.
This is all so common a mistake that I have almost given up trying to explain to people while doing so to religious fanatics is a waste of time (Note that I included atheists here as atheism is in fact a religion (they evangelize. are often fanatical and have a view based upon a total lack of proof. It is the twin to theism)
Most folks don’t seem to want to think that deeply Will. If we have the ability or desire I think it’s a gift, to be used as you did in your comment to bring forth truth.
The churches in Christianity, though not perfect, do represent the body of Christ on earth, not the organizations, but the “true believers” who gather together to worship, pray and fellowship with other believers in the various denominations that hold to the basic truths of Scripture and teachings of Christ and the apostles.
Not many acknowledge the sheer volume of charitable work done by various Christian ministries around the globe. It’s impressive, and the good ones have vary low administrative expenses compared to good works done.
So I’m curious, are you a person of faith in Christ as Lord and Savior? If so are you involved in any local assembly of Christians?
What are your views on religion besides the criticisms in your comment?
I am an agnostic who sees the teachings of JoN as the reason as to why the west has been the mainspring of succour, creativity and peace that it once was. The west feeds and subsidizes so many that when it falls as seems possible, billions will perish and that was the stated aim of the WEF and gates et al.in 1995 (90% reduction in humans by 2100). Their latest move here are the pandemic/”vaccine”(sic!) bioweapons but that is another area.
I respect the beliefs and altruistic actions of individual Christians but not when it is racial, cultural or national suicide and IMO the current pope, archbishop of canterbury and so many other traitor Christian leaders have forgotten why the west was almost destroyed by barbarians as the same stupidity then made the west take 500 years of persecution, famine and enslavement to learn that now forgotten lesson: sometimes you must fight and pacifism makes fanatics laugh at the ease of killing infidels for houri brownie points.
“thous shalt not kill” is not valid when they are trying to kill you and kindness, altruism and generosity are seen as exploitable weaknesses by both muslims and communists and I have seen the handiwork of both in RL.
Islam is really a political ideology that spawned marxism (which spawned Nazism) but unlike marxism which uses the nebulous “greater good” rubbish as its control lever, islam uses an exceptionally convenient (to muhammad) , vindictive, barbaric god as its control mechanism.
Both use childhood indoctrination as a major and effective weapon (see “janissaries”) and both are intellectual black holes which is why genuine apostates from both are so rare. The creation of the Jesuit order and the creation of the inquisition bureaucracy were both due to then church finally realizing how to fight islam but by then the west had lost 60% of its peoples and territory
Religion is a personal contract between a human and his/her god and no one else has the right to place themselves in between or above them. I can respect belief and faith in others but not when it is dumped upon me. Many believers consider non-believers to be errant sheep in need and I find that absolutely insulting as my library on such fills an entire bookshelf and I have read most of them.
I won’t be answering anymore on this subject it is far too complex and time consuming.
I wrote the above as a penance for opening my “big mouth” : )
Read your final note. Agree with most. Understand you’re being insulted, it is part of the message that we all need Christ’s substitutionary death to pay for our sin – that we all have.
No way to soften it.
Understand Islam very well. Got interested when I discovered the Grooming gangs in the UK in 2015. Since then numerous books, lectures articles from good people.
Stopped trying to get a grassroots awareness going as very, very few can bear to listen to the horrors of it.
Turned to pinging journalists and retired military. UK teens suffering though not an obsession, has energized me to never give up trying to get the word out.
As I think you know, it is causing trouble wherever it gains sufficient numbers to make noise and begin to demand the host nation bow to its religious practices. The worldwide suffering it is currently causing (not to mention in its own countries), is staggering, as Raymond’s monthly series on the persecution of Christians by Muslims clearly shows, again, not to mention all other non-muslim groups and secular people who fall into its hands.
You are correct about the radical pacifism that is an incorrect interpretation of Christ’s teaching IMO. Three of the highly commended people in the New Testament were Roman Centurions (commanders of 100 men).
The two He spoke to in His ministry, He did not tell to lay down their arms.
Many other scriptures on protecting the weak, our families, widows and orphans, etc., and the law enforcement bearing the sword.
No questions, I was an atheist as a young man and a very unruly person, captivated by the teaching of Christ, but most say they can’t see me joining anything.
Since 2015 I began to try to get some semblance of a classical, liberal education from mostly conservative sources. It is and extremely rewarding pursuit in my latter years, now 72.
Thanks for the penance but wouldn’t call it that. Excellent commentary.
Stay well.
Thank You!
I am always happy to see someone find a belief or faith that helps them so long as it is not of an aggressive nature, nor rampant evangelical mania tainted.
I am always targeted by “born agains” and I have no patience once this happens.
Never been a Vatican slave (RC) but I so miss Latin and its unifying effect on peoples
and in music.
Pax vobiscum! Manere bene!
Addendum: if a pompous one and my advance apology for it.
A centurion commanded only 80 men, something that confused me as a child for years. Roman history 100bc to ~300ad was one of my history fetishes as were the WW2 eastern front and the pacific war zones. Nuking Japan saved >18million lives (16-17 Japanese 1-2 allied) and anyone who disagrees has NOT a clue about the potential cost of invading Japan physically.
Pray for all of them. May the Holy Spirit convert them.
Islam is a faux religion begun by a deranged pedophile and killer who is undoubtedly burning in hell for all eternity. Muslims should be erased from the face of earth, and animals that commit atrocities such as the ones described should themselves be burned to death very slowly, so as to maximize their pain! A few hundred tactical nukes would also be an effective way of dealing with illiterate Islamists in Africa, the Middle East, and SE Asia. The world would be a better place without them….
Thanks Raymond. I’ll try this one on a couple of friends. Most can’t even handle hearing the words Islam, Koran, atrocities, without immediately closing their minds to all mention of it as being problematic.
Blinded and brainwashed they are aiding those who will destroy them, given the chance.
This is genocide in complicity with anti-Christian Western governments. Because of their silence and lack of action.