Once again, a large governmental body has exposed itself as morally bankrupt if not wholly bereft of legitimacy. On May 18, 2022, the European Parliament, one of the European Union’s legislative bodies, rejected a proposal to discuss the elephant in the room: the rampant persecution of Christians around the world.
The proposal came in response to the May 12 stoning and burning to death of Deborah Samuel Jacob (Yakuba), a Christian student in Nigeria murdered by Muslims for thanking Jesus on her performance in a test, and, therefore, precipitating an allegation that she had somehow “blasphemed” against Muhammad. Her murderers also made a video laughing at and mocking her burning corpse. Using that tragic incident as a catalyst, Jean-Paul Garraud, a French Member of the European Parliament (MEP), proposed a debate on the persecution of Christians and Christianophobia.
With a vote of 244 against, 231 in favor, and 19 abstentions, the proposal was rejected. As the European Union claims to champion human rights and religious freedom, several of those MEPs who voted for the proposal could be heard booing and shouting “shame on you!” across the plenary floor (video here).
Those MEP groups that voted against the proposal included the vast majority of the European United Left, the Greens, the Social Democrats, and the Renew Europe group—in a word, and to use American parlance, the “Left.”
Responding to their hypocrisy and double standards, Jean-Paul Garraud, the MEP who submitted the proposal, lamented that the European Commission “does not want to designate a coordinator for the fight against Christianophobia, when a coordinator of this type was created for anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.”
Other MEPs were outraged at what they described as “shameful” and “disgraceful” behavior from the Left. Margarita de la Pisa Carrión, of the Spanish political party Vox, and an MEP since 2019, tweeted: “What a shame! The European Parliament does not want to take a stand on the murder of the young Nigerian for being a Christian. They do not want to condemn the persecution that Christians are suffering. This is inexcusable! [Spanish original].”
Similarly, Peter van Dalen, a Dutch MEP, tweeted, “It is an extremely deep disgrace that a majority of the European Parliament refused to debate the murder, by stoning, of the Nigerian Christian student Yakubu, who was falsely accused of blasphemy.”
“Europe should know Deborah Samuel Yakubu’s name,” observed Jean-Paul Van De Walle, of ADF International (Alliance Defending Freedom), in Brussels. “This opportunity to speak out against a brutal and unjust murder of an innocent teenage girl—based on a false accusation of ‘blasphemy,’ no less—has been unforgivably lost. Nobody should be persecuted because of their faith, but it seems that EU has turned a blind eye.”
The irony of all this is that the gruesome murder of Deborah, which some are presenting as an anomaly, is just the tip of the iceberg of the Muslim persecution of Christians. A few weeks before her killing, a Muslim man slaughtered a Christian priest in broad daylight in Egypt. A few days later, another Muslim man killed another Christian in Egypt; afterwards, and just like the murderers of Deborah, he made a video boasting about his actions, adding that he did it out of “loyalty to Allah.”
The list goes on and on. What the Christian woman, Deborah, suffered—being accused and killed for “blasphemy”—is very common throughout the ultra-thin-skinned Muslim world. It seems to be a weekly occurrence in Pakistan, where not a few Christians, including several mentally disabled, have been imprisoned, killed and/or burned alive on the charge.
In short, Christians all around the world are being savagely persecuted, notoriously so in Muslim nations. According to one large study published in early 2022, “over 360 million Christians suffer high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith—a rise of 20 million from last year.” Nearly 5,898 Christians were murdered due to their religious identity, and 5,110 churches and other Christian buildings (monasteries, schools, etc.) were attacked and profaned. On average, then, every single day around the world, more than 16 Christians were murdered for their faith, and 14 churches were destroyed or desecrated.
Equally telling is that 39 of the 50 worst nations ranked by this study are Muslim majority or have sizeable Muslim populations.
As for Nigeria, where Deborah Samuel was murdered, according to several international observers, a “pure genocide” against Christians is being waged. Since an Islamic insurgency earnestly began in July 2009—first at the hands of Boko Haram, a professional Islamic terrorist group, and later by the Fulani, Muslim herdsmen also radicalized and motivated by jihadist ideology—over 60,000 Christians have either been butchered or abducted during raids, never to return and believed to be dead by their loved ones. About 20,000 churches and Christian schools have also been torched and destroyed by “Allahu akbar” screaming terrorists during that same timeframe.
So what has been the international community’s response to this unmitigated jihad on Christians all around the world—including, increasingly, in Europe, where several churches are desecrated daily? As recently shown by the European Parliament, not only are large governmental bodies turning a blind eye to it; they are employing their vast resources to present the persecutors as victims and the victims as persecutors, as underscored by the United Nations’ recent “Combat Islamophobia” initiative.
While claiming to champion human rights, Leftists—and virtually all 244 MEPs who voted against the aforementioned proposal are Leftists—habitually refuse to acknowledge much less address one of the most urgent human rights crises of our times: Muslim persecution of Christians; and they do so—if we may be brutally frank for a moment—for the simple and increasingly obvious reason that they hate Christianity.
Raymond Ibrahim, author of the new book Defenders of the West: The Christian Heroes Who Stood Against Islam, is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, a Judith Rosen Friedman Fellow at the Middle East Forum, and a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Gatestone Institute.
And that is the type of people that our democrats want to rule over us too. Basically they want everyone to follow sharia laws – Christian persecution is not persecution but ‘justice’ and islamic persecution is anyone even hinting that one is criticizing or just ignoring/belittling anything islamic.
Just shows how bent are the majority in Brussels, as we in the UK should know full well
It’s unfortunate that the European Union which suppose to champion freedom of religion is doing this. Christian world wide should look to God in prayer
In John 15v18 Jesus warned that because the wold hated Him, his followers will be hated too.
As more and more leaders and ordinary people reject God, the persecution of Christians is increasing by the day. It is shocking and heartbreaking.
There is comfort in daily prayer to God for persecuted and brutalised Christians, as God will take vengeance on those responsible for these atrocities.
In the mean time, we should not support any of those evil entities who dance with the devil.
Prayer always a great comfort Ms T, I agree. I hope the bankruptcy of the Left gets a spotlight on it for all the common people to finally understand, and vote them out, God Willing.
As a South African who for ten years publicly spoke out against apartheid injustices, I, nevertheless came to despise countries like Sweden, Canada and Australia in particular for the hypocrisy in their opposition to apartheid when portraying it as the world’s greatest human rights evil. Meanwhile these countries – and other hypocrites – ignored far worse offenders, China for the 2 million Tibetans who died after its invasion, the Tianenman Square massacre, etc, etc., Indonesia that invaded East Timor and committed genocide, Sudan whose Muslin army eventually murdered more than 2 million mostly Christians in southern Sudan and Darfur – to shattering silence from Canada, Sweden, Australia and other Western countries that once embraced a wonderful civilization and stood for decency.
And now we have these appalling European nations, having rejected Christianity now reduced to such a state of moral destitution that they do not take a stand against Muslim savagery, for human rights and for decency. In Canada I asked a school principal whether the course her school offered on Africa included teaching about Muslim savagery like that in Nigeria, Congo, Somalia, Kenya, even Mozambique. In a letter she informed me that my question reflected “islamophobia’ and this was “Islamophobic”. I informed her that I had received some stupid letters in my life, but that her’s crowned the lot for stupidity. In Canada one is thoroughly hard-pressed to find in the mostly cowardly media reports of Islamic barbarism such as that in the case of Deborah Yakuba in Nigeria, but also in depraved Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other grubby Islamic hell-holes. that somehow pass for civilizations. But let Israeli soldiers kill in conflict one Palestinian Arab Muslim and the Canadian media reports it, but of Deborah Yakuba and thousands of other Christians round the world almost nothing reaches the public.
Thanks Rob. First I’ve seen you here. Keep’em coming.
Hi Don, Rob is a buddy and fellow countryman of mine. He doesn’t pussyfoot around 😄
To Rob: My sentiments exactly.
Thanks Raymond, for all your research and reporting and writing, Invaluable.
To Don: Ditto from me.
One can always tell what the left is up to. It is what they loudly accuse the right of doing. The West is in big trouble, of our own making!
The Left … other comments have pointed it out. They are wicked. And accuse the innocent of what they do themselves. Their father was a liar and a murderer from the beginning.
What gets me are the ‘Christians’ and ‘Pastors’ who seem to think the only way to deal with this is to be silent.
Well, the Left likes to claim silence is violence – when we refuse to endorse their hate-filled, bigoted, or dangerous views. But silence is violence – and so are euphemisms – when Nazis/Commies refuse to allow us to discuss real violence, discrimination, law-breaking, murder, rape, baby slaughter, mass-murder, and war … because the results would shine a light on the blood on their hands. Yet so many ‘Christians’ and ‘Pastors’ just keep on ignoring these problems as if they have a ‘duty’ to ‘resist no evil.’
God bless everyone here.
To Dan: My sentiments exactly.
It did not matter to her whether she was a woman or black.
She was a Christian, and that’s what they hate.