The aftermath: St. Francis Catholic Church, Ondo, Nigeria
Al Kresta of Ave Maria Radio interviewed me earlier today on the latest Muslim atrocity against Christians: the massacre of church worshippers in Nigeria last Sunday, June 5.
Thank you to Mr. Ibrahim for faithfully keep us informed of the Persecuted Church.
It sickens me that Nigerian Christians are constantly attacked by Boko Haram Islamist extremists. Since the Nigerian government is Islamic, they don’t lift a finger to protect these people who are kidnapped, enslaved, hounded from their villages, burned alive, killed in brutal ways and much more.
Since most political authorities and their subjects in the West have rejected God, they don’t care either, but rather embrace Islam and pass laws to protect them from having their feelings hurt, and hardly a word of defence for brutalised Christians.
God will eventually be their judge and their suffering will be eternal.
I know many moslims here in Ghent who are skokked also about these atrocities against christians; I know even moslims who assist regularly at our eucharist!
Me preocupa esta triste tragedia y tambien me preocupa la indiferencia del mundo ante estos hechos, casi no son noticia más que unos minutos , si son las figuras del mundo del espectáculo deporte o político. Y esto va seguir. En oración por estas heróicas victimas y sus familias . Gracias por seguir con esta causa Raymund
Thank you to Mr. Ibrahim for faithfully keep us informed of the Persecuted Church.
It sickens me that Nigerian Christians are constantly attacked by Boko Haram Islamist extremists. Since the Nigerian government is Islamic, they don’t lift a finger to protect these people who are kidnapped, enslaved, hounded from their villages, burned alive, killed in brutal ways and much more.
Since most political authorities and their subjects in the West have rejected God, they don’t care either, but rather embrace Islam and pass laws to protect them from having their feelings hurt, and hardly a word of defence for brutalised Christians.
God will eventually be their judge and their suffering will be eternal.
Thanks, Tershia
I know many moslims here in Ghent who are skokked also about these atrocities against christians; I know even moslims who assist regularly at our eucharist!
Me preocupa esta triste tragedia y tambien me preocupa la indiferencia del mundo ante estos hechos, casi no son noticia más que unos minutos , si son las figuras del mundo del espectáculo deporte o político. Y esto va seguir. En oración por estas heróicas victimas y sus familias . Gracias por seguir con esta causa Raymund
PS. My Amen is in reply to Tershia’s comment.