Another day has passed, and another Muslim man has murdered another Coptic Christian in Egypt.
On Sunday, June 5, 2022—the same day Muslims attacked a packed church in Nigeria, massacring more than 50 Christians—Abdullah Hosni, a Muslim man with a long history of harassing Christians, randomly attacked a Copt, Kirollos (Cyril) Megali, with a meat cleaver in a village in Sohag, Upper Egypt.
Kirollos, who was rushed to a hospital “drenched in blood and with multiple stab wounds,” spent three days in an intensive care unit before succumbing to his injuries, including hack wounds to his skull.

According to the deceased’s brother, Abdullah was locally known for harassing Christians. He had relocated to Libya for a time but returned two days before assaulting Kirollos. The latter himself had been working abroad (in Kuwait) and was visiting family when Abdullah knocked him off his motorbike and started hacking at him.
At first, and as usual, there was talk of trying the murderer as “mentally ill,” including through the use of an apparently forged “medical report” submitted to prosecution by the murderer’s family; but outraged Copts protested (virtually every time a Muslim kills a Christian in Egypt, media and authorities rush to claim the murderer is “mentally ill,” thereby sidestepping punishment to the fullest extent of the law).
Moreover, according to the report, “A state of anger prevailed among the village’s Copts, because the perpetrator, Abdullah Hosni, had previously assaulted and always harassed Copts, but no action was ever taken against him.”
In the midst of chanting Kyrie Eleison (the ancient Greek mantra, “Lord have mercy”), mourning Copts attending Kirollos’ funeral were also heard to cry “With our souls, with our blood, we will redeem you, O Cross. The rights of Kirollos must be returned—and where is the media?”
This latest murder of a Coptic Christian at the hands of a Muslim in Egypt follows the recent murder of another young Copt by a Muslim man—who later said he was moved to the act due to his “loyalty to Allah”—and the murder of Fr. Arsenius Wadid, who was stabbed to death in broad daylight by another knife wielding Muslim man.

Meanwhile, the UN, the EU, and other large governmental bodies that claim to be zealous over protecting the human rights and religious freedoms of all people continue demonstrating that the only things they are committed to is presenting Muslims as victims and ignoring the worldwide persecution of Christians.
The Copts have to be more like the Israelis … Learn how to fight! How to defend yourself! The Muslim State of Egypt will not protect you…Most likely they will hunt you down!
Yes absolutely and they need to reject and boycott their church hierarchy who collaborate with those in power .
Any alleged religion that teaches hate, rape, enslavement and
the gruesome murder of anyone not a member of their religion,
is not and never was a religion.
Don’t generalize to “any religion “. Only Islam teaches hate and killing.
All this will continue until – the West strengthens itself in its values and military and understand it (we) must prepare ourselves to fight for the freedoms we have been given. Islam in all forms and Communism in all forms must be stopped.
Nothing else will save the West itself and all the countries and peoples suffering under totalitarian rule.
That, is the big picture, my opinion.
PS: I must include the Western Progressive political ideology that supports our enemies, is unfriendly to our allies, uses the fallacy of climate change to control people and even the pandemic.
Not to mention revisionist history – Insane gender policies – Loss of basic values – Suicidal view of pacifism in the face of aggressors.
There’s more but I’ll stop there. They have become an enemy within, through destructive policies. They need to be voted out.
I am with you all the way Don. We were able to defend ourselves and eventually throw them out at least of Europe when we were united but now with the leftists and Marxists in our midst who want to destroy Christianity we have a bigger proble. Someone in GBNews our new channel more to the right but which cancels no one, at least no one reasonable, suggested a parallel society but I can’t see how this can work if those caught who don’t agree with the powers that be risk jail at least in this country. I don’t think you will agree with my suggestion so I will keep it to myself!!
Hi Mary. I am always interested in your very well informed thinking and comments. You are among the people I respect most in this very serious battle we are in to save the West.
I also look forward to your comments, I’ve learned so much from them.
I strongly agree that parallel societies can’t work unless both are peaceable with shared values..
First it’s already been shown to be problematic historically. Currently, they are developing in Paris, Sweden (no go zones), UK Sharia courts, and just about everywhere our “friends” get a foothold.
Generically speaking – If just one of those parallel societies (assuming 2) has expansionist ambitions or worse, they will wage terror and war until they conquer the other more passive society.
We’re watching it happen in Nigeria since our supposedly Great, US 44th Pres Admin installed Buhari as President there or PM whatever – A Fulani Muslim in a 90% Christian country of of peaceable Christians.
The Nigerians had a S African paramilitary leader helping them fight Boko Haram but he was pushed out by the O Admin. after recapturing a land mass the size of Belgium.
The Fulani Herdsmen and Boko Haram are now persecuting the local Christians in typical Islamic fashion.
The result: Slow rolling Genocide of the Nigerians.
See Raymond’s article of 4.21.2020
Link on violence in Nigeria from Council on Foreign Relations with chart and list of incidents
Thanks for the reply Mary. Stay well. Hope I can meet you some day.
That’s right. We have to ensure that our entire societies are free from terror.
That is why the battle must first of all be won politically.
To do so, we must inform and educate others.
Hi Mary, wrote you a long reply that disappeared. Agree completely that parallel societies cannot exist unless both have common values and are democratic in nature not, not imperialists.
Not sure the exception I made is even possible.
The more aggressive society will persecute the more peaceable society. We see it happening in France, Sweden, UK with Sharia courts demanding more and more influence.
Always look forward to your comments and have learned a lot from them.
Feel free to suggest anything.
Hi Don,
Thank you for all your kind words but I could say the same for you. Indeed I always look for your comments when I read Raymond’s articles. I agree with everything you say and that multiculturalism definitely is not working certainly not in our Western countries. With parallel societies whose allegiance is not to the country where they live and work many will not fight for this country if and when a problem arises, at least not anymore. Even some Russian speakers I saw being interviewed on TV, thought Zelensky should give in to Putin.
In the past, people who moved from one European country to another or to the US had no trouble integrating because our basic beliefs were very similar, besides you were expected to integrate, obey the laws, and even swear allegiance to the country you intended to immigrate in (in England you have to swear allegiance to HM Queen Elizabeth II). Now Islamists with completely opposed values and beliefs from ours, expect to live in our countries and get all the benefits our countries have to offer without conforming to our norms, or even our laws (as when they marry more than one wife under sharia, for example, which is illegal in the UK).
Not only do they want to live in our countries without respecting our norms and laws but they expect to convert us to their own norms eventually, God forbid! This kind of hutzpah is unacceptable and I blame the neo-Marxists leftists in our midst whose support the Islamists have for the common aim to destroy Christianity. Not to mention that Muslim customs dating back to the 7th century especially the rights (or should I say non-rights) and treatment of women which are very offensive as decreed by the Islamic Prophet. So are the Muslim other diktats, such as for non-Muslims, they have to convert to Islam or pay the jizya the price to pay for their supposed inferiority or have their head cut off, or for Muslims, they are not allowed to convert to any other religion on pain of death.
I too have a lot more to say on what you, Don, mentioned, such as revisionist history, insane gender values, suicidal view of pacifism among others, but I will lose my temper! I will, therefore, close for now with my deepest thanks to Raymond Ibrahim again and again for all his efforts in defence of Christianity and keeping us informed of what is happening to Christians around the world in Muslim majority countries.
This Egyptian President (Al-Sisi) is primarily responsible for this persecution of Christians because Christians in Egypt supported this Egyptian president in his election to Egypt against the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood group.
Now the Muslim Brotherhood and those who support the Muslim Brotherhood are taking revenge on the Christians of Egypt
In the end, this comes because of the texts of the Qur’an, its teachings and Islamic Sharia, where Sharia states (A Muslim shall not be held accountable for an act against a non-Muslim).
And just as Muhammad did with the Jews and Christians, so do the Muslims like their Prophet
You are so right Magdy. Whether it is the Muslim Brotherhood or any other Muslim or Muslims, they always find an excuse to do harm to Christians but the real culprit, as you say, is in the “texts of the Qu’ran, its teachings and Islamic sharia”.
Islamic terror seems to be growing even stronger.
RIP Kirollos.
A man slits the throat of a father in Marseille ‘in the name of Allah’.