John Loeffler of the radio show, Steel on Steel, recently interviewed me. The 24-minute interview can be listened to here; the official Steel on Steel description follows:
Some of you may remember the movie El Cid from 1961 starring Charlton Heston. Can we learn anything from the real story of El Cid? Back with us today is Raymond Ibrahim (, Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He recounts the history of battles between Muslims from North Africa and Christians in Spain, including during the time of El Cid. Learning this helps to understand how Western Civilization developed, how Christianity was treated throughout the years, and why we are where we are today. It is important to get the accurate historical context in order to correctly understand history and have intelligent, fact-based, and rational conversations about it.
Thanks Raymond. That was a great interview. We’re becoming more nuanced in our ability to talk about the Islamic problem with all the historic references you provide. Great stuff.
The wall of protection around Islam by Western academia, press, media, clergy, Hollywood, our own politicians, etc. is almost impenetrable. We must keep chipping away
I’ve finished “Laptop From Hell” by Miranda Devine and it is a sad expose’ of the destruction of a life, not pleasant reading. It also puts on display political corruption at the highest levels of our government. Hopefully after mid-terms we will see some justice.
Now reading “Debunking Howard Zinn” by Mary Grabar. Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States” is a perfect example of destructive revisionist history that is decidedly anti-Western and particularly anti-American.
I’ve already been able to challenge some friends about Zinn’s corruption.
He was very much involved with communists and the CPUSA though never officially joined. He even taught with Herbert Marcuse (of the Frankfurt School) for a semester and worked in Obama’s Senate campaign.
He is a genuine charlatan and propagandist for ‘socialism’, and we know where that leads to.
Thanks again, looking forward to Defenders
Great interview from me too, Raymond. And Don, you are so right. All these neo-Marxists of the Frankfurt School, Marcuse, Adorno, etc., should never have been allowed in the US or any Western country. They are nothing but trouble. And now we have the Islamists, their “religion of peace” accomplices, which we are not even allowed to criticise on pain of being called Islamophobes. We are governed by traitors. Me too looking forward to Defenders.