Thx Raymond. I sent this out to a young friend just to give him an introduction. Will try a few others also if they can get past Steve’s presence. You know, anything Trumpish presses the buttons on most Dems.
Dear Raymond, you’re brilliant in writing and presenting history. I’ve admired your work. I always say to myself, “but our eyes are in front of us, not in the back, why can’t Raymond write about the here and now, and looking forar like what Brigitte Gabriel does. Please take this positively. Thanks in advance for considering my thought.
To Marilyn: You seem like a very nice lady so please consider this: The here and now is the same as the past, at least where Christian/Muslim relations are concerned. Every one on this earth has to convert to Islam or die – and this applies to all religions not only to Christianity, and also to all places and all time. If Christianity is defeated tackling the other religions is easy because we seem to be the majority on this earth.
Nothing has changed since the 7th century Koran. Every one on this earth of whatever religion has to become Muslim or die. So if you don’t learn from the past you will never learn. If you don’t believe this read a good translation of the Koran – this is very important, because, as I said and repeat again and again, the Koran is supposed to be valid for all places and all time, even though dating back to the 7th century. So even if “our eyes are in front of us, not in the back” as you so nicely put it, the front must be the same as the back, according to the Koran. We must all become Muslims or die in the past and in the future. By giving us a picture of the past Raymond Ibrahim is showing us a picture of the future, if Islam succeeds, which I hope in my heart of hearts it won’t. Of course, they can’t invade and conquer us as in the past so they are trying with a Trojan Horse. Though not all Muslims submit to this creed, remember the Nazis too were a minority who managed to control a whole nation and its children and wreak devastation in Europe for several years. Believe me, I would be happy to leave them in peace to believe what they want if they left us in peace, but they won’t. Hope this is clear and that you will also take it positively.
PS. Raymond Ibrahim is not only relating the Christian/ Muslim history for the past 1400 years but, if you follow him regularly, he is also keeping us informed of what is happening at the present time to Christians in Muslim majority countries around the world.
Thx Raymond. I sent this out to a young friend just to give him an introduction. Will try a few others also if they can get past Steve’s presence. You know, anything Trumpish presses the buttons on most Dems.
Dear Raymond, you’re brilliant in writing and presenting history. I’ve admired your work. I always say to myself, “but our eyes are in front of us, not in the back, why can’t Raymond write about the here and now, and looking forar like what Brigitte Gabriel does. Please take this positively. Thanks in advance for considering my thought.
To Marilyn: You seem like a very nice lady so please consider this: The here and now is the same as the past, at least where Christian/Muslim relations are concerned. Every one on this earth has to convert to Islam or die – and this applies to all religions not only to Christianity, and also to all places and all time. If Christianity is defeated tackling the other religions is easy because we seem to be the majority on this earth.
Nothing has changed since the 7th century Koran. Every one on this earth of whatever religion has to become Muslim or die. So if you don’t learn from the past you will never learn. If you don’t believe this read a good translation of the Koran – this is very important, because, as I said and repeat again and again, the Koran is supposed to be valid for all places and all time, even though dating back to the 7th century. So even if “our eyes are in front of us, not in the back” as you so nicely put it, the front must be the same as the back, according to the Koran. We must all become Muslims or die in the past and in the future. By giving us a picture of the past Raymond Ibrahim is showing us a picture of the future, if Islam succeeds, which I hope in my heart of hearts it won’t. Of course, they can’t invade and conquer us as in the past so they are trying with a Trojan Horse. Though not all Muslims submit to this creed, remember the Nazis too were a minority who managed to control a whole nation and its children and wreak devastation in Europe for several years. Believe me, I would be happy to leave them in peace to believe what they want if they left us in peace, but they won’t. Hope this is clear and that you will also take it positively.
PS. Raymond Ibrahim is not only relating the Christian/ Muslim history for the past 1400 years but, if you follow him regularly, he is also keeping us informed of what is happening at the present time to Christians in Muslim majority countries around the world.
It is a great injustice what they have done to Bannon.