I recently appeared on America, Can We Talk? with Debbie Georgatos, discussing the Salman Rushdie attack, Ilhan Omar’s “Islamophobia” bill, the significance of Ayman al-Zawahiri’s killing, and much more:
There is no such thing as “Islamophobia”, but there is certainly “Islamist -Phobia”, that is phobia from extremist Islamist parties. This “Islamist -Phobia” is more common and widespread in Muslim countries than in the west. This is simply because of what Islamist parties did to their countries when they ascended power there. Examples could be found in the struggle of the people of Egypt, Tunisia, and Sudan just to name a few, who suffered devastatingly just to rid themselves from governments controlled by these Islamist parties and what the Iranian People are currently going through. Finally, I believe the term “Islamophobia” was originally coined by these same Islamist entities as a technique to silence their critics so that any criticism directed against them will be considered as criticism to all Muslims which is totally untrue.
There is no such thing as “Islamophobia”, but there is certainly “Islamist -Phobia”, that is phobia from extremist Islamist parties. This “Islamist -Phobia” is more common and widespread in Muslim countries than in the west. This is simply because of what Islamist parties did to their countries when they ascended power there. Examples could be found in the struggle of the people of Egypt, Tunisia, and Sudan just to name a few, who suffered devastatingly just to rid themselves from governments controlled by these Islamist parties and what the Iranian People are currently going through. Finally, I believe the term “Islamophobia” was originally coined by these same Islamist entities as a technique to silence their critics so that any criticism directed against them will be considered as criticism to all Muslims which is totally untrue.