One of the things that the Left fears, so much as to be prudent enough rarely to allude to it, lest it expose its own weakness, is that Western peoples might one day reclaim their Christian heritage—their true Christian heritage, not the “Doormat Christianity” variety that was manufactured, nurtured, and led by subversive leftist elements, wolves in sheep’s clothing, seeking to undermine the West’s Judeo-Christian ethos.
Consider the anti-Christian hit piece on the rosary that recently appeared in The Atlantic. Many have rightly condemned it as a pathetic smear against Catholics. Even so, the fears expressed within it, while exaggerated, do touch onto a certain truth: though the Left and all of its depraved elements have little to fear from Christians waging a physical “holy war” against them, they do have to fear the resurrection of the “church militant,” defined as “the Christian church on earth regarded as engaged in a constant warfare against its enemies, the powers of evil.”
This comes out clearly when The Atlantic complains of “social-media pages … saturated with images of rosaries draped over firearms, warriors in prayer, Deus Vult (‘God wills it’) crusader memes, and exhortations for men to rise up and become Church Militants.”
The Left fears such images precisely because they invoke something innately appealing. For example, the eight men profiled in my new book, Defenders of the West: The Christian Heroes Who Stood Against Islam, not only carried the rosary into war, but most of them sacrificed their lives—though they were emperors, kings, and lords who had much to live for—fighting in defense of the Faith.
These included Godfrey of Bouillon, a wealthy duke who forsook his many possessions in Europe to take the cross and fight for the cause of Christendom during the First Crusade; El Cid, who almost singlehandedly stopped and even turned the tides against the jihadist infiltration of Spain; Richard Lionheart, a king who nearly lost everything—and complained to God in Job-like fashion—in his attempt to liberate the Holy Land; Ferdinand III, the Castilian monarch who spearheaded the Reconquista and liberated Spain from Islamic tyranny; Louis IX, the French king and tragic hero who, never once complaining, sacrificed all that was dear to him in the cause of Christ; John Hunyadi, Hungary’s champion who fought both the jihadists and their elitist Western collaborators; Skanderbeg, the Albanian Braveheart who abandoned a life of wealth and honors to fight and die alongside his countrymen in the name of freedom; and even Vlad the Impaler—Hollywood’s bloodsucking “Count Dracula”—who defended his kingdom against Islamic invasions, including by fighting fire with fire (that is, impalement with impalement).
The contagiously inspiring image invoked by these men who boldly and unapologetically sacrificed everything to defend their faith is precisely what the Left does not want today’s Christians, of whatever denomination, to recollect as part of their heritage, a thing available to them to emulate in times of crisis.
Incidentally, one need not be Catholic—I’m not—to be inspired by or associate with the aforementioned men and their self-sacrificial commitment: plenty of Orthodox and Protestant Christians also sacrificed much in order to defend their faith.
At any rate, from here, one realizes why, for decades, all departments in service of the Left—from the public school system to Hollywood—have done everything in their power to 1) emasculate men and 2) present “good” and “true” Christianity as being nothing more than a welcome doormat (the antithesis of church militant).
Thus, the powers-that-be have idolized the effeminate and extolled the homosexual; they have portrayed sword-waving women as the true and only embodiment of courage, heroism, and self-sacrifice; they have demonized true masculinity—without which civilization perishes—as “toxic”; and, most insidiously, they have depicted any Christian who wishes to do anything other than “turn his other cheek” as being hypocritical, cowardly, greedy, self-serving, oppressive, etc.
One can go on and on as to how the Left has done everything, subtle and increasingly not so subtle, to neuter men, but the point should be clear: the first and foremost enemy of any one or thing—in this case, the Left—is men. As such, teaching men not to be men has been one of the most strategic ways to defeat men. Little wonder the lgb-whatever agenda has been to infiltrate and indoctrinate the minds of children—whether through schools and libraries, or television programming and books for children. While that agenda is dark on several fronts, one of its chief goals is to strip boys of their latent manhood while they’re still young and pliable—nipping them in the “bud,” as it were, so they become compliant in adulthood.
Before closing and for the record, I am not here glorifying or calling for any physical militancy. After all, and unlike the aforementioned Defenders of the West, who had no choice but to fight, today’s Christians need not take up arms in a physical manner.
Rather, if today’s men were simply to reclaim their manhood and start behaving like men—and, most importantly, believe in a Cause greater than themselves—all of the insane ills plaguing Western society would dissipate like vapor.
Well said, Raymond! As a Catholic, I applaud your insight into the attacks on the rosary, and also on the traditions that make strong men. The Left speaks only lies, and I appreciate your sharing the truth, both historical (Islam and the Crusades) and our threats today. Did you see how the German courts are prosecuting Michael Sturzenberger . . .just for speech?
Excellent post … and I would only add …
… I have often wanted to remind “Christian pastors” that those who lead their flock to damnation will not enjoy the Kingdom …
… when many will hear [Depart from Me], I never knew you …
Oh, ye hypocrites … they would denounce anyone trying to fight a fire as an unbeliever – ‘how dare you try to put out a fire … ye unbeliever!’
I’ve heard many “pastors” belittle me and insult me – to my face – for wanting to stop Big Lies, racism, heresy, blasphemy, bigotry, murder, rape, baby rape …
… and I can tell you – they believe they have a monopoly on ‘righteousness’ – and anyone who wants to right any wrong is ‘resisting evil’ (See the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 7).
Yet these same fools have no problem insisting that we should buy gasoline and matches for arsonists burning our neighbors homes … and insisting that our refusal is ‘greed’ …
How dare we keep our means of production (that’s greed) … and ‘resist evil’ by demanding that the government stop murdering people and start arresting murderers …
… God bless everyone here, especially Raymond and his family …
Well said, Raymond! As a Catholic, I applaud your insight into the attacks on the rosary, and also on the traditions that make strong men. The Left speaks only lies, and I appreciate your sharing the truth, both historical (Islam and the Crusades) and our threats today. Did you see how the German courts are prosecuting Michael Sturzenberger . . .just for speech?
Can you provide more details on Michael Sturzenberg, please?
Excellent post … and I would only add …
… I have often wanted to remind “Christian pastors” that those who lead their flock to damnation will not enjoy the Kingdom …
… when many will hear [Depart from Me], I never knew you …
Oh, ye hypocrites … they would denounce anyone trying to fight a fire as an unbeliever – ‘how dare you try to put out a fire … ye unbeliever!’
I’ve heard many “pastors” belittle me and insult me – to my face – for wanting to stop Big Lies, racism, heresy, blasphemy, bigotry, murder, rape, baby rape …
… and I can tell you – they believe they have a monopoly on ‘righteousness’ – and anyone who wants to right any wrong is ‘resisting evil’ (See the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 7).
Yet these same fools have no problem insisting that we should buy gasoline and matches for arsonists burning our neighbors homes … and insisting that our refusal is ‘greed’ …
How dare we keep our means of production (that’s greed) … and ‘resist evil’ by demanding that the government stop murdering people and start arresting murderers …
… God bless everyone here, especially Raymond and his family …
Raymond Ibrahim is the preeminent 21st Century truth-teller, not only recounting historic battles against the jihadist movements since the 7th Century days of Mohammad and the early Muslims, but of the continuing war(s) against Christianity in the Middle East, Africa, and Southeastern Asian Muslim-dominant countries, but the very real dangers in the modern western world (Europe, the UK, and America) of assimilating cultures totally anti-antithetical to the Judaeo/Christian foundations of Europe and the U.S. I can only hope that the conservative Right leaning leaders and media of today will recognize him and elevate him to be a prime spokesman for patriots on the God-inspired Right.
Raymond Ibrahim is the preeminent 21st Century truth-teller, not only recounting historic battles against the jihadist movements since the 7th Century days of Mohammad and the early Muslims, but of the continuing war(s) against Christianity in the Middle East, Africa, and Southeastern Asian Muslim-dominant countries, but the very real dangers in the modern western world (Europe, the UK, and America) of assimilating cultures totally anti-antithetical to the Judaeo/Christian foundations of Europe and the U.S. I can only hope that the conservative Right leaning leaders and media of today will recognize him and elevate him to be a prime spokesman for patriots on the God-inspired Right.
Thank you Raymond , God Bless !
Brilliant article Raymond. You hit the nail on the head as usual!
I agree with you 99 percent. There is a time when we will have to take up arms, and it may be sooner than later.
Thank you Raymond , God Bless !
Brilliant article Raymond. You hit the nail on the head as usual!
I agree with you 99 percent. There is a time when we will have to take up arms, and it may be sooner than later.
Your final paragraph is a brilliant summary. Only if…
Thank you Raymond for your insights and seemingly tireless efforts to set the record straight.
I am a high school world history teacher who is enjoying your books. When I covered the topics in which you are an expert, I played a bit from the audiobook version of Sword and Scimitar to my students. For once I didn’t get a “woke backlash” like previous years when I’ve said some of the same things you say so well with evidence. I guess it is because they heard another person saying it. Usually at least one student tries to cancel me as a bigot when I’m just telling facts!
Your final paragraph is a brilliant summary. Only if…
Thank you Raymond for your insights and seemingly tireless efforts to set the record straight.
I am a high school world history teacher who is enjoying your books. When I covered the topics in which you are an expert, I played a bit from the audiobook version of Sword and Scimitar to my students. For once I didn’t get a “woke backlash” like previous years when I’ve said some of the same things you say so well with evidence. I guess it is because they heard another person saying it. Usually at least one student tries to cancel me as a bigot when I’m just telling facts!
Free non-harassed Christian pilgrimage to the Holly land was only made possible by the boldness, ,the blood and the swards of the crusaders and not by their kissing the hands of oppressors preventing Christians from performing their religious rituals. The Crusaders guaranteed this right for all Christians regardless of denomination and not to Catholics only. To claim otherwise especially by any Christian entity is but “Top of Ingratitude”, and today’s Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land should bear this fact in mind and thank the Crusaders with a prayer whilst they are there. The Crusades were not an initiation but a natural reflex of devoted Christians directed towards the atrocities targeting Christians, Christian pilgrims and Christian Holly locations in what used to be Christian domains, for which Christians did not put the right fight in order to maintain it for coming Christian generations and instead let it slip to others very much like what is taking place now..
Well and succinctly said Raymond. Keep up the good work. Someone has to tell the truth. The West has turned against itself like an autoimmune system that has turned against its own host not against foreign bodies. May we wake up someday to regain glory and its contributions to the rest of the world.
Free non-harassed Christian pilgrimage to the Holly land was only made possible by the boldness, ,the blood and the swards of the crusaders and not by their kissing the hands of oppressors preventing Christians from performing their religious rituals. The Crusaders guaranteed this right for all Christians regardless of denomination and not to Catholics only. To claim otherwise especially by any Christian entity is but “Top of Ingratitude”, and today’s Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land should bear this fact in mind and thank the Crusaders with a prayer whilst they are there. The Crusades were not an initiation but a natural reflex of devoted Christians directed towards the atrocities targeting Christians, Christian pilgrims and Christian Holly locations in what used to be Christian domains, for which Christians did not put the right fight in order to maintain it for coming Christian generations and instead let it slip to others very much like what is taking place now..
Well and succinctly said Raymond. Keep up the good work. Someone has to tell the truth. The West has turned against itself like an autoimmune system that has turned against its own host not against foreign bodies. May we wake up someday to regain glory and its contributions to the rest of the world.