The same Germany that took in over a million Muslim migrants in 2015, and ten thousand non-vetted Afghans in 2021—all people who, by definition, could not be experiencing religious persecution back home as they themselves were Muslim—has refused asylum to a Muslim convert to Christianity, even though one of his relatives was tortured and murdered for the same “crime” of apostasy in his native Iran.
Going under the pseudonym of “Hassan” to protect his identity, the 44-year-old applied for asylum in Germany in 2018. The authorities rejected his testimony on their belief that no one would convert to Christianity after seeing and experiencing what happens to converts in Iran. In this, they were referring to Hassan’s brother-in-law, whom Hassan said introduced him to Christianity, and was later arrested and killed in prison for participating in a house church. German authorities concluded that it was “not particularly likely” that Hassan would become—certainly not remain—a Christian after such an event, as the murder would have a “deterrent effect” on any other would-be converts, namely Hassan.
After Germany closed its doors to him, Hassan took his case to the European Court of Human Rights; it, too, recently denied his appeal. The apostate from Islam is now set to be deported back to the Islamic Republic of Iran, an act that seems the equivalent of sentencing him to death, or at the very least, abandoning him to persecution and imprisonment.
Before German authorities rejected his request for asylum, Hassan had offered the following testimonial to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees:
My wife’s brother had become a different person by becoming a Christian. We wanted to see if we would get this feeling when we became Christians…. I had had many problems in Iran…I had many [religious] questions, but I was not allowed to ask them. When I asked questions, I was beaten at school. This led me to want to know which God I was facing. One day my brother-in-law said to me and my wife that he had good news. There is a treasure, there is a living God, Jesus Christ, we are His children and not His slaves…He said there is a free salvation available.
As mentioned, his brother-in-law would go on to be imprisoned for his house church activities, and finally murdered for his faith in jail.
The Islamic Republic of Iran, it’s worth noting, is one of the worst nations to persecute Christians—especially Muslim converts. As one human rights group explained back in 2017:
A great many Iranians have been coming to Christ and it’s something which the authorities are clearly very unhappy about. So there are periodic arrests, detentions, [and] imprisonments. There have been a lot of charges lately which are suggesting an even greater clampdown—sentences of 10-15 years in some cases for Christians. And usually, the authorities will suggest that this [is] the result of undermining the state or seeking to collaborate against the state and will use more political charges than say apostasy or blasphemy laws.
Despite this oppressive climate, and rather than be “dissuaded” by the murder of his brother-in-law, Hassan, his wife and children all went on to embrace Christ. Before long, suspicious Iranian security forces stormed and plundered their home of their books, computer, passports, and Bible. Hassan and his family responded by fleeing Iran, eventually reaching Germany.
“In Germany I share the gospel, I organize prayer circles here in the accommodation,” he said. “I want to be a good example, to win the others to faith in Jesus Christ. My greatest goal would be for my children to be able to find Christ in freedom, and to do good.”
Here we come to a critically important though overlooked question: why did the German authorities find Hassan’s testimony—that he became Christian despite knowing the dire consequences—unintelligible in the first place? The simple answer is that, as atheists/materialists, German authorities simply could not believe that anyone would risk their lives just to be Christian.
As Lidia Rieder of ADF, which is assisting Hassan, observes,
There are national and international guidelines for asylum applications based on religious grounds…. Unfortunately, this guidance is being used very selectively by the German decision-makers. They do not understand that maintaining a religious belief when persecuted can be appealing to others and not just a deterrent as seen from the history of Christianity.
There could, however, be another reason that “this guidance is being used very selectively by the German decision-makers”: these decision-makers could themselves be Muslims who are avenging themselves and Islam on these Christ-loving apostates.
For starters, we already know that this exact scenario has played out before. Back in December 2019, CBN News reported:
Christian Syrian refugees … have been blocked from getting help from the United Nations Refugee Agency, the UNHCR, by Muslim UN officials in Jordan. One of the refugees, Hasan, a Syrian convert to Christianity, told us in a phone call that Muslim UN camp officials “knew that we were Muslims and became Christians and they dealt with us with persecution and mockery. They didn’t let us into the office. They ignored our request.” Hasan and his family are now in hiding, afraid that they will be arrested by Jordanian police, or even killed. Converting to Christianity is a serious crime in Jordan.
Similarly, according to Timothy, another Muslim convert to Christianity, “All of the United Nations officials [apparently in Jordan], most of them, 99 percent, they are Muslims, and they were treating us as enemies.”
Addressing this issue, Paul Diamond, a British human rights lawyer, once said:
You have this absurd situation where the scheme is set up to help Syrian refugees and the people most in need, Christians who have been “genocided,” they can’t even get into the U.N. camps to get the food. If you enter and say I am a Christian or convert, the Muslim U.N. guards will block you [from] getting in and laugh at you and mock you and even threaten you…. [saying] “You shouldn’t have converted. You’re an idiot for converting. You get what you get,” words to that effect.
Notable here is that those (Muslim) authorities who deny refuge to Christians habitually mock them and engage in sarcasm—which may well be what the German authorities who denied Hassan were doing when they denied him asylum by essentially saying that no sane person would ever become Christian in light of the consequences.
There are, in fact, many other examples of “Western decision makers” employing sarcasm and mockery in their decisions to deny asylum to persecuted converts. Consider just the United Kingdom’s Home Office, which runs its immigration program. It ridiculed an Iranian female asylum seeker in her rejection letter by writing, “You affirmed in your AIR [Asylum Interview Record] that Jesus is your saviour, but then claimed that he would not be able to save you from the Iranian regime. It is therefore considered that you have no conviction in your faith and your belief in Jesus is half-hearted.”
Discussing her experiences, the rejected woman first explained her plight: “In my country if someone converts to Christianity their punishment is death or execution.” Concerning the asylum process, she said that whenever she responded to her Home Office interviewer, “he was either chuckling or maybe just kind of mocking when he was talking to me…. [H]e asked me why Jesus didn’t help you from the Iranian regime or Iranian authorities.”
Similarly, in his rejection letter from the UK’s Home Office, one Iranian man was told that several biblical passages were “inconsistent” with his claim to have converted to Christianity after discovering it was a “peaceful” faith. The letter went so far as to cite biblical passages—from Exodus, Leviticus, Matthew, and Revelation—to argue that the Bible is violent, before concluding: “These examples are inconsistent with your claim that you converted to Christianity after discovering it is a ‘peaceful’ religion, as opposed to Islam which contains violence, rage and revenge.”
In short, it seems that some Muslims in the West have gained the power and authority to do what they do in the Muslim world—discriminate against if not send Christians and apostates off to their deaths.
This is outrageous that Germany is doing this. Christians should definitely be given asylum! After all, they are targeted by muslims!
Thank You Raymond for bringing this to light.
un is a freaking joke; it too has been over taken by radical islam ; once radical islamist invaded a country, the dictatorial idiocy in where a Christian will never be of value or hold high office, Christian lives are in jeopardy.
I’m sure his name n sadly his family will be HUNTED DOWN N KILLED.
GERMANY CANADA have already fallen; United States of America is in the frying pan, radical islamist, george soros and the communists; which for right now are in cohorts status; all soros cares about that AMERICA fails n then he gains trillions of dollars due too his betting on the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FALLING .
I also beleive china is the major contributing factor with all three of the above hateful destroyers, I never seen so many kool-aid drinkers; 50 million plus.
total tools.
Christians throughout the world must unite as one , no matter which Faith they follow.
Those seaking to stay in the West; must get leaders to contest the mistreatment of Christian.
Is their even a flicker of light in the German people 🤔
There’s no leadership now; I as a Christian am Praying for the Christians around the world too get united, create chapters n hold meetings n discuss whom the leaders will be. Needs too start now, create your own law enforcement, do that; Yous can protect the masses whom the current government fails too protect.
Get involved in local government n get elected to office.
Never give up !!!!!
The writing is on the wall. If this is the way that Muslims are able to act in Europe, then the strange death of Europe has already happened, and we can say goodbye to freedom of religion, and therefore to any other freedoms as well. The rule of Muslims is accomplished if their writ rise so high as to prevent the immigration of Christians into Europe. Indeed, if Europe cannot prevent the Islamisation of Europe, what is the hope for the rest of the world?
By their fruits ye shall know them.
A christian is the same as any non-Muslim (kaffir).
As such he or she is a cash cow.
Jihad applies to all.
As we know – this has been going on a long time. The Bushies and Neo-cons could not be less interested in protecting Christians in the Middle East – much less in Iraq or Afghanistan. And the Demokkkrats were much worse – providing money and weapons to terrorists they knew full well would turn on Christians and other minorities.
But it’s been quite a bit worse than that. The Clinton administration rearranged employment of consulate employees overseas – making sure that Muslims came first and Christians not at all – even in places like Spain and Italy.
Those I’ve known with contacts in our foreign service departments have told me that Muslims control most of our consulates across the Mediterranean – and likely this is true across the world. That said, alternative news reporters have suggested that terrorists control our consulates in many locations in the Middle East – maybe not all of them, but many of them.
So why should we assume any patriots or not-terrorists are in charge?
Normies and Dim-bulbs don’t really understand how this works. But I do.
There is an SSA office in Fort Worth – if you go in, you will get typical, terrible service, but you probably won’t notice anything wrong. But if you take an illegal into that office … all they need is a ‘skin’ – a name and an address – and presto … Socialist Insecurity benefits R US. No SSN required. They’ll make one for you. … This does not apply to blacks, Asians, or anyone who speaks English. It’s only for “Hispanics” … and it’s even more complicated than that … because you won’t get any service if you are from El Salvador or if you’re an escapee from Nicaragua. And I’d bet a tooth that anyone with any real skills or anyone who can recite the Pledge of Allegiance need not apply either.
In other words – we staff these offices with enemies – and they function like enemies. Doing the bare minimum as a ‘front’ – and effectively Making Treason Great Again is their primary job.
And that’s just one office I know of in Fort Worth. There’s a half dozen more ‘shops’ like this just in the DFW area. And that’s what just one guy can run into. DMVs in California do the same thing – minting “citizens” – but only for scum.
If you’re an engineer from Venezuela … or any other migrant seeking the American Dream … you can just suck eggs
… because the people in these offices were hired for their hatred and racism to commit crime, and treason – not charity..
And you just thought the offices are messed up? No. It’s by design.
God bless Raymond and his family …
This is very enlightening. Thank you Dan and thank you Raymond always.
Hi Mary – Dan often gives us a glimpse into an area we no nothing about, great guy.
Can’t remember if I told you I did leave a comment for Danos on that Alqueda Revisited article, don’t know if he ever saw it.
I have two friends opening up to the climate issue. If they realize they’ve been duped there perhaps outer issues will follow.
Stay well in London Town
Thanks Dan – I had no clue – But unfortunately am not surprised.
Great to have the info though, another talking point.
It is not just immigration that muslims affect, as their number in health bureaucracies far exceeds their population %. Such a job is regarded by most doctors as a loser’s job so why should they do so?
The answer is the extremely large number of gym fit young muslim males who are on “disability support” pensions in the west and yet are the aggressive, violent ones at demonstrations and often work as bodyguards and bouncers.
muslim doctors can never be absolutely trusted for many reasons and if their imam tells them that “X” needs to be on a pension they will NOT argue and with their muslim cohorts in the bureaucracy it is far too easy and another drain on the kuffar state.
This is NOT hearsay as I have met not a few of these “pensioners” and one had no idea what his illness was nor the symptoms: he kept saying: “it is in the notes”.
WRT births in my country it is well known in Labour wards that muslim neonates are 95% male dues to blatant illegal gender abortion. I tried for years to obtain the official stats on this but never received one reply.
This is all carefully planned and organized, and the jihad of the womb is winning hands down in the west.
Thanks Will, it is truly a multi-facetted attack, evil genius actually, we must continue to try and brake through the media blackout on it. No small job, can’t give up.
I can guess your country and am sorry for all of you there, male and female, young and old. Stay safe yourself.