Ramadan—once a curiosity limited to the Muslim world but now a “celebrated” feature of the West—is upon us. For those Americans still unfamiliar with Islam’s holy month, a recent DC News article offers a primer:
Ramadan is considered the holiest month of the year for Muslims. About 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide observe the holiday in some form. Muslims use Ramadan as an opportunity to self-reflect and become more spiritual. Muslims will fast from dawn until sunset and are not allowed to eat or drink anything, including water, during daylight hours….Ramadan takes place on the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, which is based on a 12-month lunar year of approximately 354 days. This year, Ramadan begins the evening of March 22nd and ends the evening of April 20th.
Although the article claims to present “everything you need to know about Islam’s holiest month,” it apparently forgot to mention that one aspect of especial importance to non-Muslims: Ramadan is a time for jihad against non-Muslims—“infidels”; Ramadan is when some of Islam’s most violent conquests took place; and Ramadan is when modern-day Muslims are supposed to reminisce over and seek to emulate these conquests.
For example, according to a Mar. 23, 2023 Arabic op-ed titled, “Ramadan: Month of Jihad,” Ramadan is a time to “prepare for martyrdom and self-sacrifice.” After adding that, “during Ramadan, the most important and pivotal battles in Islamic history took place,” the article goes on to highlight various jihadist conquests, from Muhammad’s time on.
Similarly, last year Mahmoud al-Habash, the Palestinian Authority’s supreme sharia judge, decreed that “Ramadan is … a month of activity, of effort, and of hard work, as it was in the life of the Prophet, a month of Jihad, conquest, and victory.”
Indeed, every single Ramadan features an assortment of Islamic authorities, personages, and/or institutes reminding Muslims to take pride in and celebrate various historic battles between Muslims and non-Muslims (as in this hour long televised special). Among other things, such victories are meant to demonstrate the power, and thus truth, of Islam.
This alone should underscore Islam’s innate militancy in comparison to other religions. It further suggests that Islam is a worldly religion, one that takes pride and finds validation in something as corporeal and temporal as victory in warfare (with all the attendant collection of booty and slaves that entails).
By way of analogy, and to better appreciate Ramadan-time celebrations of jihad, imagine Christians gathered together in church during Christmas or Easter. Then, the officiating pastor eulogizes the bloody military conquests Christians had over non-Christians during Christmas or Easter—even as the congregants cheer or at least feel deep pride in their Christian faith.
Not only is such a scenario impossible to imagine—a reflection of how utterly different Christianity and Islam are from one another—but many of today’s Christians have become so anti-war as to characterize even self-defense as “un-Christian.” That, at least, is what the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, seems to think. Last year, while condemning war, he went so far as also to condemn Just War, the distinctly Christian idea that war is legitimate when waged for just reasons (self-defense, liberating conquered peoples or territory, etc.)
Hence the double irony: most of the wars that took place on, and which Muslims celebrate every, Ramadan had nothing to do with Just War, and were in fact aggressive and imperialistic in nature.
An article by the popular website AboutIslam.net makes all this clear.* Titled, “7 Remarkable Islamic Victories That Took Place in Ramadan,” it opens by saying, “Ramadan is a special month that’s full of blessings for the Muslim Ummah. It is not only famous for fasting and charity, but also for great Islamic victories that changed the world.”
Examining the list, however, there is no question that at least five of the seven military episodes it mentions—the battle of Badr and the conquests of Mecca, Spain, Crimea, and Nubia—were unjust, meaning they had nothing to do with Muslims engaging in self-defense or liberating their conquered territories and everything to do with Muslims waging unprovoked wars of conquest in search of plunder.
For example, although much extolled in Islamic historiography for being Islam’s first major victory over infidels, when stripped of its hagiographical veneer, the battle of Badr (624 AD) appears to have been little more than a caravan raid, driven by lust for booty.
Similarly, Muslims were the aggressors in the various conquests highlighted by AboutIslam.net for taking place on Ramadan. During these conquests, Muslims invaded non-Muslim territories, butchered and enslaved their inhabitants, and appropriated their lands—and for no other reason, and under no other logic, than that they were “infidels,” non-Muslims.
The eighth century invasion and subsequent conquest of Spain, for instance, featured hordes of invading Muslims slaughtering countless thousands of Christians and torching their churches (in one notable incident in Cordoba, the Muslims managed to kill two birds with one stone when they torched a church with its congregation trapped inside).
Same with the Crimea. Originally inhabited by Slavic peoples, Muslims—primarily Turks and Tatars—brutally conquered it in the fifteenth century and turned it into an emporium of white flesh. An estimated three million Slavs—Poles, Lithuanians, Russians, and Ukrainians—were enslaved and, according to a contemporary chronicle, sold “like sheep” between 1450 and 1783.
This is what Muslims are supposed to remember and celebrate during their holy month—during their equivalent of a “Christmas” or “Easter” season: the unprovoked invasions and bloody subjugations their ancestors undertook in the name of Islam against people whose only “crime” was to be non-Muslims. (Little wonder that, so riled, Muslims not infrequently murderously assault infidels in their midst during Ramadan.)
Incidentally, taking pride in Islamic violence is not limited to “radical” sheikhs or websites; it is quite mainstream. Not only is the popular English language website, AboutIslam.net, considered “moderate” and meant to put a good face on Islam before infidels; the aforementioned article celebrating seven battles/conquests during Ramadan was originally published by the website’s “Family & Life” team.
Meanwhile, Western media continue to shill for Ramadan by presenting it as a time to “self-reflect and become more spiritual,” to quote DC News.
*Ever since I first cited and linked to this article, AboutIslam.net has tried to conceal it. Although the url cannot change and continues to reflect the original title—https://aboutislam.net/family-life/culture/7-remarkable-islamic-victories-that-took-place-in-ramadan/—that link now goes to other articles. Even so, AboutIslam.net continues to carry the original article in a “hidden” version.
Thx again Raymond. Thankfully taking some time off and read thewhole article and followed most of the links skimming or reading them.
A real eyeopener. As I prepare to talk to some people of influence this will be part of the package for sure.
Keep’em coming – stay safe and well.
It is no surprise to a growing number of Catholics that Pope Francis enables Islamic crime against Christians. With his global bully-pulpit his silence is tacit support. And with his embracing all religions none better than the other, one could conclude Francis is for all intents and purposes, a closet Muslim.
During these conquests, Muslims invaded non-Muslim territories, butchered and enslaved their inhabitants, and appropriated their lands—and for no other reason, and under no other logic, than that they were “infidels,” non-Muslims.
That’s because Muslims have no real god. They worship themselves: their Muslimness and their ancient dysfunctional ‘brand’. Allah, the appropriated pagan moon-god, is the malevolent mascot of that brand, and is invoked whenever Muslims want to indulge in the very worst of human excesses – see “one notable incident in Cordoba, [in which] the Muslims managed to kill two birds with one stone when they torched a church with its congregation trapped inside.”
And is DC News still peddling that supremacist “1.6 billion Muslims” trope, when they are 1.2 billion at most (with 800 million of those illiterate or in poverty, because when you sign up with Satan, the payoffs are poor)? Islam is haemorrhaging about 2 million believers each year from Africa alone.
As for the Ramadan fast itself… well, it’s simply not a fast – not in any way meaningful enough to have credibility with life extensionists or serious fasters. The thicko Muslim definition of a fast is when you let your breath go smelly until the evening, and then go all-out like a hog with whatever food you can find. That’s not caloric restriction… that’s just a delay in eating. No change to the food intake has been made over a 24-hour period.
I often neglect to eat until later in the day. This doesn’t make me a Ramadan ‘faster’ – it just means I’ve been too busy to remember to eat. No piety necessary.
Have you ever seen a Muslim lose weight during Ramadan?
Have you ever seen a Muslim emerge a nicer person from Ramadan? The superb overview, above, of Islamic holy-month behaviour would suggest not.
So why do they even bother?
Don’t they know that ultimately… Christ wins?
We are now in the month of Ramadan, in fact we are in the last few days remaining of this month, so how can the writer of “The DC News Article ” justify the current bloody internal fighting or civil war taking place in these very days in Sudan, a predominantly Muslim country where hundreds have been killed to say nothing of the injured ,where hospitals are so overwhelmed and can do no more because of shortage of and/or lack of medication and necessary treatment equipment or facilities , yet still the two main waring factions who are both Muslims can not even agree on an cease fire to evict dead bodies or the badly injured covering the streets of Sudan’s cities including the capital Al-Khartoum, during this holiest month of the year, according to the aforesaid article. ?
Thanks Raymond, excellent history.