Muslims are at it once again—humiliating the despised “other” by forcing them to kneel and kiss their feet.
An August 17, 2023 video from Belgium shows a throng of “migrant youth” surrounding a trembling Belgian boy. They force him on his knees and make him kiss their feet while beating him on the head. The post adds, “In Brussels, the country’s capital, Muslims already make up 25% of the population.”
A few days later in Finland, on August 20, 2023, another video captured another Muslim gang forcing a hapless Finnish girl onto her knees to “apologize” to them (for what is unclear).
These two back-to-back incidents are hardly an aberration. On December 1, 2022, two Palestinian teenagers accosted, threatened, and ordered a Jewish (Haredi) man to kiss their feet in Jerusalem’s Old City. They videotaped and posted the incident to the audio of an Arabic rapper who, among other vulgarities, employs the notorious Arabic insult kuss umak (“your mama’s vagina”), which was presumably directed at the Jew in question, as he kissed the hand and foot of one of the Muslims.

Nor was this the first incident of its kind in the Holy Land. According to a later report discussing this late 2022 incident,
The phenomenon of Palestinians filming themselves assaulting or humiliating ultra-Orthodox residents sparked outrage and clashes last year, leading to several arrests. In one particularly viral video, a Palestinian was filmed pouring hot coffee on an Orthodox man, leading to a two-year prison sentence.
Then there was this 2019 report from Australia:
A 12-year-old Jewish student was forced to kneel down and kiss the shoes of a Muslim classmate, while a five-year-old boy was allegedly called a “Jewish cockroach” and repeatedly hounded in the school toilets by his young classmates.… The older boy’s act of kissing another student’s shoes, under threat of being swarmed by several other boys, was filmed, photographed and shared on social media [image below] …. One of the boys who watched on was later suspended for five days for assaulting the Jewish student in the school locker room.

Some might argue that Muslim “grievances,” in the above cases, the Arab-Israeli conflict, is the driving force behind Muslims trying to degrade and humiliate Jews. In reality, however, this form of abject “obeisance” was always expected of non-Muslims—as the more recent Belgian and Finnish examples show—and for no more of a “grievance” than that they were non-Muslims—infidels.
For example, in The Adventures of Thomas Pellow, an Englishman (d.1747) who wrote of his experiences as an abducted slave in Morocco, references to European slaves being compelled to kiss their Muslim master’s feet are not uncommon.
Sultan Muley Ismail—who enforced sharia and regularly prayed—went one step further, according to Pellow: Abducted Europeans were required to “pull off their shoes, put on a particular habit they have to denote a slave, and when they approach him fall down and kiss the ground at his horse’s feet.” Those not conforming to such abject behavior—the “lucky” ones—instantly lost their heads. The rest were slowly tortured in ways that beggar belief.
Perhaps this is the only “good news” regarding the more recent spate of foot kissing. As vile as they may be, they help underscore an important fact: few things are as reliably consistent as Muslim behavior—particularly the sort we are regularly assured has “nothing to do with Islam.” Otherwise, why does one keep finding the same “disquieting” behavior in regions that widely differ in both time and space, such as contemporary Israel, Australia, Belgium, and Finland—and premodern Morocco?
Incidentally, and as another parallel, Pellow and other European slaves in Africa were regularly and consistently called “Christian dogs”—including before they were beheaded by scimitars. This characterization of subhuman infidels as animals remains a fixture today, and for the same reason. For instance, another persecuted Jewish pupil, age 5, at the same aforementioned Australian school, was called a “Jewish cockroach.”
Such is the great irony: even in the minutest of details, and whether in word or deed, the negative behavior that Muslims exhibit today has a long and unwavering paper trail, one that crosses centuries and continents. The only difference—the only discontinuity—between now and then is how the West responds.
In all of the modern incidents, authorities refuse to admit that an ideological factor—Islamic supremacism—motivated “migrant youth” to force “infidels” on their knees to kiss Muslim feet.
The disconnect is evident in another, especially ignoble manner: whereas Muslims have long forced non-Muslims under their power to kiss their feet, both figuratively and literally, today the man who holds an office that for centuries sponsored the West’s staunch resistance to Islam—the Catholic pope—enthusiastically prostrates himself before and literally kisses Muslim feet, further reinforcing this abject relationship to Muslims who do not understand acts of humility.
In short, Muslims demanding that lowly infidels kiss their feet is normative. The only thing to change is how the West responds—in a word, capitulation.
Islam is a Borg sex cult with a fetish for feet kissing.
Thx Raymond. I’m passing things along. Carry on, stay well yourself and family.
one thing with the jihadis is that there is always a leader. And what did the police do to the ones beating up and forcing the child to kiss their feet? Run away in fear too? BTW, they are not ‘migrant youth’, they are jihadis – young ones but still jihadis. Their parents and imams trained them to be thugs. Similar to mafia types (the sicilian mafia was fashioned after islam and its ways).
Allah is Satan.
Thanks Raymond, great article!!!
Thanks Raymond – quite a disturbing read.
With the West’s increasing kowtowing to radical Muslims/Islamists, Churchill’s admonition of appeasement during WWII comes to mind, “Appeasement is like feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last”.
The crocodile is already starting to eat.
Russia is helping all the Muslims around Israel.
“Jews, Muslims “Common Cause” To Oppose European Nationalists:
Europe’s Top Rabbi
Speaking during his annual Passover message, Goldschmidt
called on Jews to “show solidarity with Muslims.”
Goldschmidt warned that the rise of ultra-nationalist
parties and damage to the European Union caused by Brexit threatened the
security of Jewish and Muslim minorities.
“When there is tolerance for other languages, other
cultures, religions, traditions, we Jews feel more accepted,” Goldschmidt, who
is also chief rabbi of Moscow, said. [And there is the reason for Multiculturalism.]
“At the moment when an ultra-nationalist wind begins to
blow, it makes Jews, as a minority, uncomfortable.””