On August 29, 2023, Sheikh Issam Amira, a prominent member of the Palestinian Hizb al-Tahrir party, argued that the “liberation” of Palestine is nothing compared to the potentially great conquests that Islam has in store for the rest of the non-Muslim world — including the United States:
What is the Palestinian cause compared to the conquest of Rome, for example? Or the conquest of Latin America in its entirety? Or the conquest of North America?
Amira went on to say that he personally knows that Australians are “dying of fear” from the nearby Muslim nations of Malaysia and Indonesia, “because they know that one of these days the Muslim armies will come from Indonesia and bring Islam to Australia, like it or not.”
What crime did these non-Muslim cities, nations, and continents commit against Muslims to deserve being targeted for violent conquest?
As Amira explained in the same sermon, Islam commands Muslims to hate, fight, humiliate and, ideally, conquer any and all non-Muslims — including family members — simply because they are non-Muslims. He cited the Koran:
You will not find a people who believe in Allāh and the Last Day having affection for those who oppose Allāh and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred. (Koran 58:22)
Amira said this was the proof text that Muslims must never befriend or ally with non-Muslims, as they are Satan’s minions. “The Party of Satan,” he stressed, “is America, Europe, Russia and all Western nations, and all infidel [non-Muslim] nations everywhere.” He also quoted:
They were stricken with disgrace and misery, and they invited the displeasure of Allah for rejecting Allah’s signs and unjustly killing the prophets. (Koran 2:61)
After saying that this verse was about the Jews, he went on to broaden it to apply to all non-Muslims:
Everyone who opposes Allah and his prophet is to be stricken with disgrace and misery. Not just that, they are to be broken in the here, and sent to the fire in the hereafter. Why? — because they are the party of Satan!
Amira is certainly not the only Palestinian to harbor such hostility for the non-Muslim world. One need look no further than to his political party, Hizb al-Tahrir. Although its name means the “party of liberation,” and although it pretends its sole interest is “liberating” Palestinians from Israel, when its members get together there seems to be an additional plan, not just for Jews.
Hizb al-Tahrir, for instance, in 2020, held a large, outdoor event near al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem to commemorate the anniversary of the Islamic conquest of Constantinople (May 29, 1453). There, as he had done before, Palestinian cleric Nidhal Siam made clear that, from an Islamic perspective, for Christians as well, liberation and conquest are one and the same.
After all the takbirs (chants of “Allahu Akbar” [“Allah is greatest”]) had subsided, Siam preached:
Oh Muslims, the anniversary of the conquest [fath/فتح, literally, “opening”] of Constantinople brings tidings of things to come. It brings tidings that Rome will be conquered in the near future, Allah willing.
Like Amira, Siam went on to pray for the day when “Islam will throw its neighbors to the ground, and that its reach will span across the east and the west of this Earth. This is Allah’s promise, and Allah does not renege on his promises.”
Those assembled and he then chanted, “By means of the Caliphate and the consolidation of power, Muhammad the Conqueror vanquished Constantinople!” and “Your conquest, oh Rome, is a matter of certainty!”
Consider for a moment the significance of these assertions—coming as they are from Palestinians, who, when speaking to and seeking sympathy from the international community, often present themselves as an oppressed people whose land is unjustly occupied.
First of all, the Islamic conquest of Constantinople was just that—a brutal and savage conquest the sole legitimacy of which was the might of arms. As other Muslims had done for centuries earlier in North Africa and the Middle East, the Turks invaded and conquered “New Rome”—not because it had committed some injustice, but because Islam commands the subjugation of non-Muslims.
The same goes for Rome: what does it have to do with the Arab-Israeli conflict that it too deserves to be conquered? Absolutely nothing—except that, since the conquest of Constantinople, Islam has seen Rome as the symbolic head of the Christian world, and therefore in urgent need of subjugating. Or, in the words of the Islamic State, “We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women, by the permission of Allah… [We will cast] fear into the hearts of the cross-worshipers.”
Even outside the Hizb al-Tahrir party, leading Palestinians continue to praise and find inspiration in Offensive Jihad—jihad not to repulse or defend against an enemy, but to conquer non-Muslim territories. Speaking on the first day of Ramadan, April 1, 2022, Mahmoud al-Habbash, the Supreme Sharia Judge of the Palestinian Authority, extolled the jihads waged by Muhammad:
How was this month [of Ramadan] in the life of Prophet [Muhammad]? … Did the Prophet spend Ramadan in calmness, serenity, laziness, and sleepiness? Far be it from him… The Prophet entered the great Battle of Badr [624] during Ramadan… Also in the month of Ramadan, in the 8th year of the Hijra [629-630], the Prophet and the Muslims conquered Mecca…. Ramadan is … a month of Jihad, conquest, and victory.
Similarly, on April 16, 2021, Al Jazeera published an article by ‘Adnan Abu ‘Amar, “head of the Political Science Department at the University of the Ummah in Gaza,” explaining how Palestinians find “inspiration” in various jihads throughout Islamic history, “prominent among them the raid of Badr, the conquest of Mecca, the conquest of al-Andalus [Spain], and the battle of the pavement of martyrs [the Battle of Tours].”
In every one of these military engagements, Muslims were the aggressors: they invaded non-Muslim territory, butchered and enslaved its inhabitants, and appropriated their lands—and for no other reason than that they were “infidels,” non-Muslims.
The battle of Badr was occasioned by Muhammad’s raids on non-Muslim caravans; the conquest of Mecca was simply that, the conquest of a non-Muslim city; the conquest of al-Andalus is a reference to the years 711-716, when Muslims invaded and slaughtered countless thousands of Christians in Spain and torched their churches; and the battle of Tours is, of course, where the Muslim invasions into Western Europe were finally halted in 732.
If anything, shouldn’t the Palestinians be sympathizing with, say, the Christians of Spain, whose land was occupied, and they themselves brutalized by the occupiers, namely, the invaders from North Africa?
Similarly, if, as they claim, the Palestinians are an oppressed people whose land was stolen, shouldn’t they sympathize with the Christians of Constantinople, rather than Sultan Muhammad II, who invaded and conquered the ancient Christian city, while subjecting its indigenous inhabitants to all sorts of unspeakable atrocities?
Many Palestinians, seemingly without seeing the irony, present themselves as a conquered and oppressed people whose land was stolen, while, in the same breath, they praise former conquests and wish for future ones, replete with oppression and land-grabbing from other peoples, only because they are not Muslim.
Perhaps the lesson, when all is said and done, is that Islamic notions of “justice” are based on a simple dichotomy: Whenever Muslims conquer, slaughter, subjugate or steal land, that is “just;” whenever they encounter the authority of “infidels,” that is “unjust.”
Hence the hatred for Israel, Rome, Europe, or wherever “infidels” still govern.
Raymond, you have often stressed the fact of Islam’s mission being to conquer all the ‘infidels’ the world over for Allah, as history has also borne this out. In comments I have repeated you many times, even recently on Gatestone, which was not printed.
It is very disconcerting that most of the West is blind to this truth – blinded by their unbelief in the real Living God. Instead, the West has chosen to sup with the devil, which is evident by many Muslims and pagans in our midst, celebrating the attack and slaughter of Israelis a few days ago.
Regardless, I take comfort in the truth that God is always in control and they will feel His wrath in His timing.
I hope very soon, this week even to contact American legislators of integrity (and there are many) with informational packets and video links from Raymond’s material and others.
I always agree with you that prayer is first importance but never forget that God uses people most often. Pray for him to raise up the right leaders and defenders of innocent peoples.
I’ll be emailing Mary today, haven’t heard from her in a week or so.
Stay well up there and pray for God to remove Trudeau and bring sanity to governing in beautiful Canada.
Hope all’s well with you.
So is. However, Israel cannot and should not do everything it wants in this case.
Frankly, I don’t think they could not foresee this attack.
On the other hand, Israel supports sending “refugees” to Europe. Why not to Arabia?
So much odd to digest…
Regarding your earlier comment about the King David bombing, supposedly warnings were sent but were disregarded by the Brits but terrorism is terrorism.
The Brits were perfidious in regards to the administration of Palestine and mistreatment of Jews while allowing the arming of Arabs.
Regarding the Liberty I am stunned and aghast often that this occurred and still can’t make sense of it, LBJ made it go away quickly. If a US spy ship was perceived by the IDF to be communicating with someone on the enemy side (Egypt) which was funded and supported by the Communists it would have been a quandary for the Israelis to conclude that the US was giving information to an ally of the soviets, but again here we go with perfidy.
The US sees Israel as a useful tool on occasion and a helpful scapegoat more often.
Undefinable would be its role to the US these days.
Caroline glick had Avi Bell on yesterday and he mentioned that the first exit point nearest the refugee crisis is the home where the refugees should dwell.
This talk of sending them to America echoes the Barbara specter thing that you mentioned, sending them to Europe and elsewhere.
That woman is the scourge of humanity, if she single-handedly created and manifested this.
My grandmother introduced me to the phrase a shonda for the goyim which means when a Jew behaves embarrassingly or causes harm to the Jewish community.
Never heard goyim used as a slur growing up with my Yiddish speaking grandparents, it was just how people were described.
Between China and the US funding Iran I can’t figure out squat, nothing is as it seems, nothing good is done and nefarious pursuits continue.
Look who is in power in the US now. Biden(with Obama the Muslim directing) is a Communist puppet.
I believe that Mohhamdans are ordered to be barbarians by their religion, and that, according to their religion, they can not be otherwise and remain in their political party / faith.
Hamas has opened the gates of Hell, and will suffer the consequences.
My anger extends to those hypocritical idiots who, from inside the protection of civilization, support these barbarians and their murderous actions. This includes most of the American Left who hate independence, and those of both sides who simply hate Jews.
I wondered how Israel was taken by surprise, given the usual efficiency of their intelligence community. I recalled news reports that their IC was actively opposed to Netanyahu over his actions to limit the authority of their Supreme Court, and read in the American Thinker an article suggesting that their IC underestimated the threat, and may have failed to warn Netanyahus’ government about it.
John in Indy
there is an article of a few days ago in Tablet written by Lee Smith re: the infiltration and embedding of Iranian spies in US security departments. they may have sabotaged certain IC communications lately.
The Egyptian warning being ignored / denied by Israel is concerning, it has been confirmed by somebody in the US government I saw on video yesterday, it has also been speculated that Malley the treasonous pro-iranian negotiator from the US side may have accessed codes or something that allowed the hacking of IDF communications
This whole thing stinks
Heard professor Avi Bell on the Carolyn glick show yesterday talking about the illegality of the world allowing Hamas to exist and be funded, fascinating, yet disconcerting to know that the truth is out there and will be ignored
Thanks Raymond, I hope this at least will open some eyes and minds. Straight from the horse’s mouth as the old saying goes.
Thx again, stay well you and yours.
Nayib Bukele: “As a Salvadoran of Palestinian descent, I am sure that the best thing that could happen to the Palestinian people is for Hamas to disappear completely.
Those wild beasts do not represent the Palestinians.
Anyone who supports the Palestinian cause would be making a big mistake to side with these criminals.
It would be as if we Salvadorans had sided with the MS13 terrorists, just because we share ancestry or nationality.
The best thing that happened to us as a nation was to get rid of those rapists and murderers and let good people prosper.
The Palestinians should do the same: get rid of those animals and let the good people prosper.
That’s the only way forward.
It also recalls Israel’s recent history: the King David Hotel (both wiki sources: The British administrative headquarters for Mandatory Palestine, housed in the southern wing[1] of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, were bombed in a terrorist attack on 22 July 1946 by the militant right-wing[ Zionist underground organization the Irgun during the Jewish insurgency.), the American ship Liberty (Israel apologized for the attack, saying that the USS Liberty had been attacked in error after being mistaken for an Egyptian ship. Both the Israeli and U.S. governments conducted inquiries and issued reports that concluded the attack was a mistake due to Israeli confusion about the ship’s identity. Others, including survivors of the attack, have rejected these conclusions and maintain that the attack was deliberate)…
Raymond: Your excellent scholarship has been revived by destiny…I hope your books fly off the shelves with the intensity of the three Crusades…I’m surprised Steve Bannon hasn’t had you back at the “War Room…”
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