Thanks Raymond, and the progressive left in our countries has taken them in as a victim group, rather than victimizers, as they are doing in every country where they gain in numbers, starting with demands at 3% as one writer has observed.
I’m focused mostly on legislators now (and some military and journalists), the common citizen is paralized at the depth of the danger and, goes into cognitive dissonance.
Islam is achieving her mission to conquer the world for Allah by having been allowed to invade Western countries.
A reminder to Westerners who support islam and recently Hamas against Israel, of what Churchill said, “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”
Nothing will appease Islam, not even naming their kids after Mohammed, unless they follow their evil religion.
This is a real concern….a problem via names?
Thanks Raymond, and the progressive left in our countries has taken them in as a victim group, rather than victimizers, as they are doing in every country where they gain in numbers, starting with demands at 3% as one writer has observed.
I’m focused mostly on legislators now (and some military and journalists), the common citizen is paralized at the depth of the danger and, goes into cognitive dissonance.
Thanks again and stay well.
I’m reading that book right now. It is excellent.
Islam is achieving her mission to conquer the world for Allah by having been allowed to invade Western countries.
A reminder to Westerners who support islam and recently Hamas against Israel, of what Churchill said, “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”
Nothing will appease Islam, not even naming their kids after Mohammed, unless they follow their evil religion.
Islam is a Borg sex cult. Not surprising what the sexual motivation component can achieve.