I recently spoke at The Free Press Society in Copenhagen, Denmark. The event description and video follow:
On November 13th 2023, The Free Press Society had invited American historian, author and columnist Raymond Ibrahim – who has an Egyptian/Coptic Christian family background – to tell about his ongoing studies of the persecution of Christians, especially in Muslim countries. This is the first part of the event with Raymond Ibrahim presenting his findings. The second part – Q&As – will be published soon.
Below is how the Free Press Society announced and introduced the event:
Is Christian persecution the world’s biggest problem?
The American-Egyptian researcher in Islam and the Middle East, author and blogger Raymond Ibrahim is a familiar name to many readers of the TFS website (and our former online magazine, Sappho): for several years, Ibrahim informed as a regular columnist about e.g. the many persecutions to which Christian minorities in the Arab world are exposed.
Now he personally hosts the Press Freedom Society, Monday, November 13 at 19:30 in the Danish Writers’ Association.
On the question “Is Christian persecution the world’s biggest problem?” most people will probably immediately answer no, given the many other pressing problems the world is facing, but the persecution of Christians reveals a large and disturbing problem: a de-Christianized and defeatist West that is unable to come to the rescue of its vulnerable fellow believers and a West, which at the same time, due to its ‘vacuum of faith’, has difficulty stemming the Islamization of its own countries – in general, has difficulty defending its basic democratic values.
The fact that Ibrahim is visiting Denmark at a time when we are witnessing terrible anti-Semitism all over the world due to Israel’s war against the terrorist organization Hamas, and when our own government, with the recently adopted Koran burning ban, jumps on the tongue for Muslims ready to offend, only makes the subject even more so. current. And grotesque.
Before we hear the presenter’s own conclusion on the question on Monday, here is a short presentation of him:
Raymond Ibrahim (born 1973) in the US and himself a Copt, earned his master’s degree in Middle Eastern Medieval History at California State University, Fresno under the renowned military historian, Victor Davis Hanson.
He had originally envisioned a retired life as a researcher, but the terrorist attack on 11 September became a professional turning point for him, as he saw a clear parallel between the muhajidin from the 7th century and today’s jihadists and therefore began to focus on contemporary Islam .
Ibrahim has previously been associated with the think tank, Middle East Forum (whose director, Daniel Pipes, received the Press Freedom Society’s freedom of expression award in 2007).
Ibrahim’s work has spawned a host of articles and books, the latest of which, Defenders of The West was published last year.
For those interested, it can be stated that a kind soul, Jørgen Olsen, has translated 34 of Ibrahim’s articles, which can be read here: http://synopsis-olsen.blogspot.com/search/label/RaymondIbrahim
Books by Raymond Ibrahim: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Raymond-Ibrahim/author/B00J0GL5BS?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
Thanks Raymond, very good presentation. The stats alone are powerful and your enlightening talk is complimented by them.
I hope you will link the report you read from early in the talk, so we can all access it, print it, and give to friends.
Perlious times for the West and all who become targets of Islam worldwide.
Feliz Navidad and happy New Year.