For years now, a number of mostly Eastern European nations have been arguing that, if they are going to accept any refugees from the Muslim world, they prefer Christians. Hungary, for example, has apparently been doing just that.
To this, the official Western response has been to cry “racism!” Barack Obama, for instance, once called such a suggestion “shameful,” loftily adding: “That’s not American. That’s not who we are. We don’t have religious tests to our compassion.” Meanwhile, it was later revealed that his administration was doing precisely that—but in reverse: discriminating against persecuted Christian asylum seekers, while favoring Muslims.
All emotionalism and name calling aside—that is, the stuff of American politics—there are, in fact, several objective reasons why the West should give priority, if not exclusivity, to Christian refugees from the Muslim world—and some of these are actually to the benefit of Western nations. Consider:
Christians are real victims of persecution. From a humanitarian point of view—and humanitarianism is the chief reason cited in accepting refugees—Christians should receive top priority simply because they are the most persecuted group in the Middle East. As former Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop once put it, “I think that Christian minorities are being persecuted in Syria and even if the conflict were over they would still be persecuted.”
Indeed. While they are especially targeted by the Islamic State and other professional jihadists, before ISIS, Christians were and continue to be targeted by Muslims—Muslim mobs, Muslim individuals, Muslim regimes, and Muslim terrorists, from Muslim countries of all races (Arab, African, Asian, etc.)—and for the same reason: Christians are infidel number one. (See Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians for hundreds of anecdotes before the rise of ISIS as well as the Muslim doctrines that create such hate and contempt for Christians.)
Conversely, Muslim refugees are not fleeing direct persecution, but chaos created by the violent and intolerant teachings of their own religion, Islam—hence why violence and intolerance follows Muslims into Europe.
Muslim persecution of Christians has been further enabled by Western policies. Western nations should accept Christian refugees on the basis that Western actions in the Middle East are directly responsible for exacerbating the plight of Christian minorities. Christians were not terrorized in Bashar Assad’s Syria, or Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, or Muamar Gaddafi’s Libya. Their persecution grew exponentially only after the U.S. and other Western states interfered in those nations in the name of “democracy.” All they did is unleash the jihadist forces that the dictators had long kept suppressed.
Unlike Muslims, Christians are easily assimilated in Western countries, due to a shared Christian heritage. As a Slovakian official once explained, Muslims would not fit in, including because there are no mosques in the Slavic nation. Conversely, “Slovakia as a Christian country can really help Christians from Syria to find a new home in Slovakia.”
This too is common sense. The same Christian teachings that molded Europe over the centuries are the same ones that mold Middle Eastern Christians—whether Orthodox, Catholic, or Protestant. As San Diego’s Father Noel once said, Mideast Christians “who come here [America] ‘want to be good citizens’ and many who came here a decade ago are now lawyers, teachers, or other productive members of society.”
Meanwhile, Muslims follow a completely different blueprint, the Koran—which condemns Christians by name, calls for constant war (jihad) against all non-Muslims, and advocates any number of distinctly anti-Western practices. Hence it is no surprise that many Muslim migrants are anti-Western at heart.
Mideast Christians bring trustworthy language and cultural skills that are beneficial to the West. They understand the Middle Eastern—including Islamic—mindset and can help the West understand it. Moreover, unlike Muslims, Christians have no “conflicting loyalty” issues: Islamic law forbids Muslims from aiding “infidels” against fellow Muslims (click here to see some of the treachery this leads to in the U.S. and here to see the treachery Christians have suffered from their longtime Muslim neighbors and “friends”). Subversive Muslims are working to infiltrate every corner of the U.S. government. No such threat exists among Mideast Christians. They too render unto God what is God’s and unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.
Finally, it goes without saying that Mideast Christians have no sympathy for the ideology that made their lives a living hell—the ideology that is also hostile to everything in the West. Thus a win-win: the West and Mideast Christians complement each other, if only in that they share the same threat.
All the above reasons—from those that offer humanitarian relief to the true victims of persecution, to those that offer benefits to the West—are unassailable in their logic and wisdom. Yet, because Western progressives prioritize politically correct ideals and fantasies over stark reality, there is little chance that they will be considered.
Quite the reverse: all throughout the West, masses of Muslims have been and continue to be granted easy asylum, while the few Christian applicants are scrutinized and often rejected.
The reason for this is simple: for the progressive (now “woke”) mindset—which dominates Western governments, media, and academia—taking in refugees has little to do with altruism and everything to do egoism: It matters little who is really being persecuted—as seen, the West is directly responsible for greatly exacerbating the sufferings of Christians around the world.
No, what’s important is that the progressives “feel good” about themselves. By taking in “foreign” Muslims, as opposed to “siding” with same-old, same-old Christians, they get to feel “enlightened,” “open-minded,” “tolerant,” and “multicultural”—and that’s all that matters here.
Meanwhile, reality marches on: The same Islamic mentality that persecutes and slaughters “infidel” Christians in the Middle East continues to grow at an alarming rate in the West.
one problem I see is that moslems like like the dogs they hate and there is no sure way to find out if it is (what I call a) ‘taqiyya dribbler’ or a real Christian.
Most of those places have religion on your ID, birth cert etc..
Religion is a category on official ID in those places, for the most part.
Where there is a will there is a way.
I see a typo in my initial response – it should be ‘lie like’, not ‘like like’!!! And they will lie because that is a part of jihad and it is an obligation but they don’t all have to fight – they can do other tactics/strategies of war to advance sharia/islam such as lying, pushing propaganda, giving zakat (yep – part of it funds violent jihad), act like victims, infiltrate, etc.
There are easy ways to test if someone is a Muslim or not but the politicians won’t allow it.
I agree in part cause I think my minority, LGBTIQs and other religion-related minorities from MENA countries, including atheists, also run utter risks living in them! There have been many cases of attacks, harassment to them as well, in Germany they even had to make special shelters for LGBTIQs due to the constant attacks Muslim fanatics have been perpetrating against them. There are also videos showing how they harass Christians and other minorities in the very shelters and in the streets of Europe.
SHAMEFUL. The entire Hussein reign of terror 2009-2016 and 2020 to present is SHAMEFUL.
Thank you Raymond, for this thoughtful article.
I sound like a stuck record but l will say it again – we are living with the consequences of a world without God.
Western nations have never cared about Christian persecution, which is increasing and raising it’s ugly head even in the West where more and more ‘woke’ers’ are welcoming radical Muslims instead. They will rue the day!
You are so correct in saying that wherever the US has meddled in other nations political affairs, they have left those countries worse off.
We have seen that happen many times.
Muslims and Christians are the same. They both worship the same God and are loved by the same God, only the Muslim women are more virtuous and the christian women are mostly not.
That is why the yiddish who worship quite a different god, the god of child sacrifice Moloch and their slaves the Freemasons, who must prefer Satan and must deny Christ, are doing the divide and conquer thing, between Christians and Muslims, hoping they both wipe each other out, just as Albert Pikes letter to Mazzini tells us, they have planned forever. Why are you always falling for the same divide and conquer schemes of these people who want to be your masters and make you their slaves as they openly claim. Falling for one con job after another, no wonder they call you all the stupid cattle. They call Christians scum, but useful scum. Since you all worship them the antichrist and are willing to lose your souls killing your brethren the Muslims for them. God is watching all this, and I pity all Christians because they are all turning into little mini me yids, on the path to eternal Hell.
Muslims and Christians do not worship the same God. Neither do modern-day Jews.
God and Allah are two very different gods. The Islamic god’s teachings are anathema to the teaching of the true living God of the bible.
You are totally misguided in your beliefs and l hope you will pursue the truth before it is too late.
That would be an excellent policy. Thanks Raymond!