My recent interview on the Christian Emergency podcast can be accessed here.
Below is the official description of my episode:
Christians by and large do not know Christian history. That is a lamentable fact we at the Christian Emergency Alliance strive to address. But one aspect of Christian history that is most suppressed today is that of muscular Christianity.
Christianity during the Middle Ages was forced to confront relentless Islamic aggression. When Christians responded – in the form of the Crusades or other actions – they sacrificed much and strove to help other Christians under fire.
But this is not the history most Christians know today. Most have been discipled by revisionist history that paints this period of Christian history in the worst possible light. The authors and architects of this revisionism are sometimes secular, sometimes Islamic. Fortunately, primary sources still exist to showcase what really happened.
On this episode of the Christian Emergency Podcast, Raymond Ibrahim joins the conversation to shed helpful light on this topic. Raymond is an accomplished historian and scholar of Islam. He has authored several books, including his most recent volume, Defenders of the West. Raymond borrows from that volume to connect dots between our Christian past and our present realities.
Christianity now faces a crisis of confidence. Warped versions of our history have been taught to generations, leading many to feel they have to constantly apologize for our past. The context introduced in this episode will help dispel the false narratives and revisionist history. God willing, it will help some believers regain their confidence in the Christian faith….
Thank you Mr. Ibrahim