The Arab-Israeli conflict will never be fully understood — an essential criterion to solving it — until its ultimate source is recognized: Islamic supremacism.
Islamic doctrine, which teaches that Muslim blood is superior to and far more precious than non-Muslim blood (non-Muslims essentially being on a level with dogs and cattle) imbues Muslims with a sense of supremacism over the rest of mankind. And a good portion of Islamic history further enforces it.
This sense of Islamic supremacism was dramatically humbled after European powers defeated and colonized much of the Muslim world. Bred on the notion that “might makes right,” Muslims, for a time, even began emulating the then-unapologetic and triumphant West. Turkey, for example, went from being the epitome of Islamic supremacy and jihad — the Ottoman scourge of Christian Europe for five centuries — to patterning itself after Europe in all ways, including by forfeiting the Arabic script and adopting the Roman alphabet, thereby becoming perhaps the most Westernized/secularized “Muslim” nation by the mid-1900s.
Today, however, as Western peoples willingly capitulate to Islamic mores in the name of tolerance, multiculturalism, political correctness, or just plain cowardice, Muslims are becoming more emboldened, making more demands and threats, as they realize they need not militarily defeat the West in order to resuscitate their supremacist birthright. (More appeasement from the bullied always brings about more demands from the bully.)
Two Tiers of Justice
Consider Muslim behavior where it is dominant and needs no pretense. There, non-Muslim minorities are habitually treated as inferiors. Earlier this year, for instance, Muslim murderers of a Coptic Christian were spared the death penalty, though that certainly would not have been the case had they been Christian and their victim Muslim. But unlike the many Western appeasers who willingly accept a subservient role to Islam, these religious minorities have no choice in the matter.
Enter the “How Dare You?” reaction, which I first described in a 2013 article.
During one Christmas season in Pakistan, as Christian children were singing carols inside their church, Muslim men from a nearby mosque barged in with an ax, beat the children, and destroyed the altar and furniture. Their justification for such violence? “You are disturbing our prayers. How dare you use the mike and speakers?”
Similarly, when a Muslim slapped a Christian and the latter reciprocated, the Muslim exclaimed “How dare a Christian slap me?!” Mass anti-Christian violence immediately ensued.
Remember the “How Dare You?” phenomenon next time you hear that Muslim madness and mayhem are the byproducts of grievance. Missing from this rationale is the supremacist nature of these grievances.
Airing the Conditions
The Conditions of Omar, a foundational Muslim text dealing with how subjugated “infidels” must behave, spells out their inferiority to Muslims. Among other stipulations, it commands conquered Christians not to raise their “voices during prayer or readings in churches anywhere near Muslims” (hence the ax attack in Pakistan). It also commands them not to display any signs of Christianity — specifically Bibles and crosses— and not to build churches or criticize the prophet.
If the supremacist nature of Islamic law is still not clear enough, the Conditions literally command Christians to give up their seats to Muslims as a show of respect.
But were such grievances legitimate? Should they have been accommodated?
Likewise, are the endless “grievances” of Muslims legitimate and should they be accommodated? These are the questions missing from the debate about easily bruised Muslim sensitivities.
One can go on and on with examples from all around the Islamic world. In my monthly “Muslim Persecution of Christians” series, which dates back to July 2011, every month features a dozen or so stories of Muslims persecuting and terrorizing Christians because the latter somehow offended Muslim sensibilities by overstepping their sharia-designated “inferior” status and daring to be on a par with Muslims.
And it is from here that one can at last begin to understand the ultimate Muslim grievance: Israel.
Israel Is the Worst
For if “infidel” Christian minorities are deemed inferior and attacked by aggrieved Muslims for exercising their basic human rights, such as freedom of worship, how must Muslims feel about Jews — who are the descendants of pigs and apes, according to the Koran — exercising power and authority over, and even killing, Muslims in what is perceived to be Muslim land?
How dare they?!
This is why few Muslims seemed to lament the half million Muslim lives lost during the Iran-Iraq war. When fellow (if nominal) Muslims are killing Muslims, that is unfortunate, yes, but not enough to deeply aggrieve Muslim sensibilities. But when it is the filthy infidel — the sons of apes and swine whose proper place is beneath the Muslim foot — wild paroxysms must by necessity ensue.
Put differently, if grievances against Israel were really about justice and displaced Palestinians, both Muslims and their Western enablers would be aggrieved by and regularly denouncing the fact that millions of Christians have been and continue to be displaced by Muslim invaders, who in 2023 alone butchered nearly 5,000 Christians for “faith-related reasons.”
Needless to say, they are not.
So the next time you hear that Muslim rage and terrorism are products of grievances, remember that this is absolutely true. However, these “grievances” are not predicated on any universal human standards of equality or justice, but rather a supremacist worldview.
Succinct summary
Without this awareness, the West will continue to cower and appease without objective reason
Please start a sub stack account, lots of phenomenal writers there and you should be amongst them, one of my favorites about it is the ability to have articles read out loud
Which in these wonderful busy days of summer allows me to do all the other stuff I want to be doing, thank you
Christendom has been over for awhile. A big part of the problem is the overwhelming success of all of the "philosophies" and "political ideologies" collectively labeled "the Left."
Their success has enabled Leftists to smear Christians with Big-Lie level blood libels both real and imagined. This makes any defense of Christianity an uphill battle to correct the record.
None have been as successful as smearing Christianity with the blame for the Holocaust. Never mind that Christianity's only contribution was the failure act, which can be excused as Christianity was ordered to recuse itself from public and political action by the God-hating Left (aka the Nasties).
Try it sometime. It's a great way to lose friends and family, and to separate the Christians from the players. See who believes Christians slaughtered … fill-in-the-blank … or invented slavery or war or pedophiles or … whatever.
Even among "Christians," the idea that Christians invented science and defeated pagan ideologies, slavery, racism, sexism, and bigotry can be challenging unless you have an excellent knowledge of history and know how to quickly refute the "logic" of the Big-Lies.
I don't give civilization much of a chance. We've blown past all of the peaceful exits since the 2020 Plan-demic.
While Islam may ultimately be the dominant horror for most of the planet's inhabitants … it is still communism that must be defeated before anything else happens.
Muslims did not, are not, and will not be in any position to cancel people like me. Western critics were silenced by Leftard White-hating, America-hating, Christ-hating, Democrat-voting or RINO-cowering bigots. Or as grandma called them: Commie-pinkos.
Lefties are still asleep to the Muslim threat. I do not know a single Leftard who thinks Islam is more dangerous than Orange Man Bad. And I know a lot of Lefties – albeit none of them are in Texas thank God.
I agree on the Communist threat Dan, but I think you are diminishing the real threat of Islam, it's insideous spread across the world and even the west. Funding colleges with revisionsit history and wreaking havoc wherever it goes in a short or longer time depending on the resiliance of their neighbors. One commentator said, "Islam has hot borders."
Mary suggested a book she has read twice, "Stealth Invasion" by Leo Hohman.
I'm reading it slowly as I'm pretty busy but it is well sourced though the conclusion I consider extremely weak. It's 253 pgs + Notes and Index.
I got it paperback at Barnes and Noble $19.
My other concerns are the false climate narrative and I'm in touch with some good scientists and groups there, and as you mentioned Communism and it's offspring Socialism, and spreading the word to as many as are open, with some good results.
Mary though resting more at 96 I think, is still very sharpe and clear in her writing. We've bonded nicely over time and sh'e a good friend almost like a second mom.
I also realize Dan it could be an end-times scenario we see setting up. But can't let it send us off track, it's still the Gospel and any other good we can do until He returns or rapture takes us up.
I always appreciate your comments.
Thanks Raymond.
Hello Dan, please give my best regards to Mary. I have been blessed to meet her along the way 💟✝️.
Will do Ms Tershia. She mentions you occasionally. She's become a close friend and I have a filial affection for her.
Great article. It helps one understand the intensity of hatred of Muslims toward Israeli Jews. Especially, when they perpetually get their butts kicked by them.
Very good article, thanks Raymond. I gave your contact info on Substack, which received quite a few 👍🏻, so I hope you have had some response.
In their pride and arrogance, many entities in the West have ignored your warnings. Even many Churches are guilty of following woke ideology instead of God’s truth. I have come to believe the bottom line is, as St. Augustine said, “Without God, what are we but a guide to our own destruction!”
Adding to our destruction is that through legalised sins of abortion and euthanasia we have undermined our population dynamics which has allowed Islam to overtake us in sheer numbers. Even Gaddafi warned us about that.
To further enable Islam in their goal to overtake the West, we have put out the welcome mat and invited them in, where our cowardice and their aggression brings them closer to their goal of conquering the world for Allah. We have allowed ourselves to be sitting ducks in our own countries.
Christian persecution and hatred for us and the Jews/Israelis is a major consequence of a Godless and ignorant West.
Thanks Raymond !!!