The Stream Among all the other reasons Muslims turn to terrorism, we can now add “to avenge lost battles of history.” Seriously. For example, last month, Three young men who were said to have been radicalised have been charged with alleged criminal terrorist conspiracy by France’s intelligence services… Allegedly inspired by jihadist ideology, the individuals are suspected of … [Read more...]
Video: The Final Word on ‘Crusade and Jihad’
The third and final critique of William Polk's book, Crusade and Jihad: The Thousand-Year War between the Muslim World and the Global North. Part 1, Part 2 … [Read more...]
A History of ‘Crusade and Jihad’ (with Zero Jihad)
The Stream In my ongoing quest to expose the academics and other so-called experts who specialize in the field of Muslim/Christian history and interaction such as John Esposito and Karen Armstrong, let’s take a quick look at the 2018 book Crusade and Jihad: The Thousand-Year War between the Muslim World and the Global North by William R. Polk. As we shall see, it encapsulates … [Read more...]
When — and Why — Christians First ‘Demonized’ Muhammad
The Stream In a recent article, we saw the degree to which academics, such as Georgetown professor John Esposito, lie to whitewash Islamic violence and scapegoat Christians. Esposito claims that “[f]ive centuries of peaceful coexistence elapsed” between Muslims and Christians before the latter shattered that peace with the First Crusade in 1095 AD. In reality, those “five … [Read more...]
The True History of Islamophobia
One of the Biden Administration's very last acts in office was to release a "combat Islamophobia" document, which argues that Muslims in America have "routinely experienced hate ... due to baseless stereotypes." There are only two ways to understand this: either Americans are really dumb and/or evil, buying into and acting on any "baseless" trope thrown their way; or else what … [Read more...]