The Stream On October 10, 732, one of history’s most epic battles between Christians and Muslims took place and saved Europe from becoming Islamic over a millennium ago. Precisely one century after the death of Islam’s prophet Muhammad in 632 — a century which had seen the conquest of thousands of square miles of formerly Christian lands, including Syria, Egypt, North Africa, … [Read more...]
Why Achieving ‘Peace’ with Islam Is Impossible
The Stream Just when the world had accepted the notion that Israel’s war on Palestinians and their supporters was wholly unjust, a Muslim scholar has — like so many before him — announced that it is Muslims who thrive on and must always wage unjust wars on Israel and everyone else. During a Sept. 11 speech, Muhammad al-Dadow al-Shantiqi, former vice president of the … [Read more...]
When October 7 Was a Day of Victory Against Islamic Terror
The Stream Before October 7 was known as a day of Islamic atrocities against Israel, it was known — indeed, was celebrated for centuries — as a day when Christians thoroughly chastised Muslims, also for committing atrocities. Context: In 1570, Muslim Turks — in the guise of the Ottoman Empire — invaded the island of Cyprus, prompting Pope Pius V to call for and form a “Holy … [Read more...]
Video: ‘The Truth about the Crusades’
A recent interview with ABWE. Video and official description follow: Have you been taught lies about the Crusades? In this week's episode, Alex and Scott sit down with Raymond Ibrahim, an ancient history scholar, author, translator, and journalist, to uncover the truth about why the Crusades happened, the dangers of the false narrative that has been taught for decades, and … [Read more...]
Scandinavia Bans ‘Blasphemy’ (Guess for Which Religion’s Sake?)
The Stream One by one, Scandinavian nations are willingly forfeiting their freedoms to Islamic thuggery. Though the reason behind their capitulation has not yet reached America, it may well do so soon. According to a Swedish language report, Practitioners of Islam differ from those of other religions in that they do not respect democratic freedoms and rights, and in many … [Read more...]