The Stream A large, historic Catholic church in New York is on its way to becoming a mosque, following its purchase by a Muslim organization. On August 11, Fr. Ronald Vierling drew attention to the sale in a social media post: “St. Anne’s Church, Buffalo, NY. Permanently closed. Sold to the Islamic community for $250,000 who are converting the historic church into a … [Read more...]
Another Coptic Christian Girl ‘Disappears’ in Egypt
Coptic Solidarity Although initially kept quiet and suppressed, the ongoing cries of a Coptic Christian family and supportive community concerning the latest Christian girl to “disappear” recently made the rounds on Arabic social media. Earlier this month, Christina Karim Aziz, a 20-year-old Christian girl, disappeared off the streets of al-Fatah Center, in Assyut, where she … [Read more...]
‘That Dreadful Day’: Lessons for the West from This Day in History
The Stream Today in history, on August 26, 1071, one of the most decisive battles in all world history took place—that of Manzikert, which initiated the creation of the modern state of Turkey atop formerly Christian Asia Minor. It began in 1019, when “the first appearance of the bloodthirsty beasts … the savage nation of infidels called Turks entered Armenia … and mercilessly … [Read more...]
Audio: ‘Who’s Burning Our Churches?’ with Raymond Ibrahim
Fr. Robert McTeigue of the Catholic Current recently interviewed me. The nearly hour-long audio and its official description follow: We welcome back author and scholar Raymond Ibrahim to discuss the Paris Olympics and the true history of the conflict between Islam and Christendom. Should we really be surprised by what we saw on display? Father finishes with Timely Thoughts. … [Read more...]
Canceling the Crusades: Emasculated Westerners Grovel at the Feet of Muslims
The Stream “If Islam is terrorizing the West today, that is not because it can, but because the West allows it to. For no matter how diminished, a still swinging Scimitar will always overcome a strong but sheathed Sword.” Those are the very last words of my 352-page book, Sword and Scimitar, which chronicles fourteen centuries of warfare between Islam and the West. They were … [Read more...]