The Stream We recently looked at William Polk’s book, Crusade and Jihad: The Thousand-Year War between the Muslim World and the Global North. Although it’s a mighty tome containing some 550 pages and claims to cover “the thousand-year war between the Muslim World and the Global North,” most of the years between 634 (when Islam first invaded the West) to 1800 (when it went on … [Read more...]
Video: The Islamic Reformation Is Here—and You Won’t Like It
What is nowadays referred to as "radical Islam," is, in fact, a byproduct of the "reformation" of Islam -- one that follows the same evolutionary pattern of Christianity's Protestant Reformation, including with a focus on "sola scriptura." Below we show how similar patterns of development can lead to vastly different outcomes -- freedom in the West, bondage under … [Read more...]
What Is — and Isn’t — Wrong with Islam?
The Stream What is — and isn’t — wrong with Islam? That is the question before us. Since late 2001, when Islam became front page news, almost everything about it has been criticized: It’s been presented as hostile to progress, anti-democratic, theocratic, patriarchical, misogynistic, and draconian in its punishments. Is that what’s wrong with Islam? I’m here to argue no — … [Read more...]
Vienna Spits in the Eyes of Poland, Insults Its Historic Saviors to Appease Its Historic Persecutors
The Stream Any Christian who dares stand against Islam — including by merely standing against Islamic aggression and terror — is a monster who must be shunned. Sounds crazy, you say? Well, consider the following bit of news: The city council of Vienna refuses to honor John III Sobieski, the Polish king who saved the Austrian capital from the Turks in 1683, with a statue due … [Read more...]
Another Coptic Church ‘Catches Fire,’ Authorities Blame Candle (Again)
Coptic Solidarity On February 5, a fire broke out inside the Church of the Archangel Michael, in a village of the Qena governorate of Egypt. Civil Protection Forces were able to contain the fire before it spread or caused any casualties. Full investigations have yet to be concluded, but so far security sources said that the fire was likely caused by a lit candle inside the … [Read more...]