Gatestone Institute The following are among the abuses and murders inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of December 2024. Jihadist Hate and Terror for Christmas Germany: On Dec. 4, an Iraqi asylum seeker was arrested for plotting a terror attack, specifically by plowing his vehicle into the crowds of a popular Christmas market in Augsburg. The man, known … [Read more...]
Video: Did European Colonialism Undermine Islam?
In his book, Crusade and Jihad: The Thousand-Year War between the Muslim World and the Global North, William Polk argues that grievances against the colonial era are the root source of all problems between Islam and the West -- including terrorism. Here we examine and rebut this claim. This video is essentially Part 2 of a review of his book. Part 1 here. … [Read more...]
‘Your Time Has Come, Worshippers of the Cross’
Coptic Solidarity On Dec. 8, jihadist rebel forces captured Damascus, and with it the whole of Syria. Some in the Western media are suggesting that, although jihadist in nature, the new regime promises to be inclusive of the nation’s Christians and other religious minorities. Below, however, are some developments that occurred from the moment the jihadists took over to just … [Read more...]
Putting (Supposedly ‘Non-Muslim’) Migrant Terrorists to the Duck Test
The Stream “If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it’s probably a duck.” This is wise counsel whenever the media and “experts” insist that you not believe your lying eyes. Take this ongoing issue where men who perfectly fit the profile of “radical Muslims,” engage in the usual acts of Islamic terrorism, only for the “authorities” to tell us … [Read more...]
Video: A History of ‘Crusade and Jihad’ (with No Jihad)
A review of the 2018 book, Crusade and Jihad, by William Polk. Although the book's subtitle is "The Thousand-Year War between the Muslim World and the Global North," it -- rather bizarrely -- essentially ignores the first thousand years. The video explains why. … [Read more...]