The Blaze The lost history of Christians forced to convert to Islam—or die—is reemerging, figuratively and literally. According to the BBC: “Pope Francis has proclaimed the first saints of his pontificate in a ceremony [last Sunday] at the Vatican—a list which includes 800 victims of an atrocity carried out by Ottoman soldiers in 1480.They were beheaded in the southern Italian … [Read more...]
Crucified Again, with Pat Robertson on The 700 Club
My recent interview with Pat Robertson on The 700 Club on my new book Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians. … [Read more...]
Crucified Again, with Glenn Beck
My recent interview with Glenn Beck on my new book Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians. Your browser does not support iframes. … [Read more...]
The West Has an Irrevocable Duty to Help the Christians of the World
By Enza Ferreri Raymond Ibrahim's fundamental new book Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christians (Amazon USA), (Amazon UK) , has been widely reported, covered and praised and does not require an introduction, but it prompts a reflection. The problem of Christian discrimination and persecution by Muslims is in fact two problems. Like unpunished crimes' victims … [Read more...]
Radical Cleric Swears to ‘Pop America’s Eye’ if Moderate Morsi Threatened
Investigative Project on Terrorism American Middle East analysts often claim that Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood is a moderate organization, nothing like the more radical Salafis. If true, what do we make of the fact that the most intolerant, anti-American, hate-filled Salafis and jihadis also happen to be the greatest and staunchest supporters of Morsi? Doesn't such unequivocal … [Read more...]