By Enza Ferreri "We don't debate unprofessional councillors, unprincipled journalists, and self-righteous community organizers; we turn the tables on them": this is how British planning lawyer Gavin Boby, also known as the "mosque buster", describes the activity of his organization, the Law And Freedom Foundation. He uses the law to stop the building of mosques in the … [Read more...]
Death to Churches Under Islam: A Study of the Coptic Church, Part II
Danish [Editor's note: The following is Part II of an essay originally published by The Inquisitr, with a comprehensive introduction by Wolff Bachner. Part I can be read here.] The Modern Era The sort of Muslim attacks on Christian churches described by the historian Maqrizi and conforming to the Conditions of Omar are reoccurring with increased frequency. Again, while the … [Read more...]
Death to Churches Under Islam: A Study of the Coptic Church, Part I
Danish [Editor's note: The following essay was originally published by the Inquisitr, with a comprehensive introduction by Wolff Bachner. It is divided in two parts. Part I follows.] Christians throughout the Islamic world are under attack. Unlike Muslim attacks on Christians, which are regularly confused with a myriad of social factors, the ongoing attacks on Christian … [Read more...]
The Forgotten Genocide: Why It Matters Today
Today, April 24, marks the “Great Crime,” that is, the Armenian genocide that took place under Turkey’s Islamic Ottoman Empire, during and after WWI. Out of an approximate population of two million, some 1.5 million Armenians died. If early 20th century Turkey had the apparatuses and technology to execute in mass—such as 1940s Germany’s gas chambers—the entire Armenian … [Read more...]
Crucifixion in Islam: Christians Ascend Their Golgotha
By Ralph Sidway, guest contributor For Orthodox and Coptic Christians, Easter falls on May 5 this year. That means we celebrate Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem on Sunday, April 28, and the whole following week, called Holy Week or Passion Week, leads to Jesus’ crucifixion, death and burial. Without minimizing or shying away from Christ's horrific sufferings, the Orthodox … [Read more...]