Jihad Watch Just as Islamic terrorists feed off of Christian minorities by kidnapping and ransoming them in lawless regions—like “liberated” Iraq and on-its-way to being “liberated” Syria—last Sunday, four armed and masked men kidnapped a 12-year-old Coptic Christian boy, Abanoub Ashraf, as he was walking to his church in “Arab-Spring-liberated” Egypt. Right before he reached … [Read more...]
New Fatwa Permits Rape of Non-Sunni Women in Syria
Yet another Islamic cleric recently made it permissible for the Islamic fighters waging a jihad in Syria—politely known as “the opposition”—to rape the nation’s women. Salafi Sheikh Yasir al-‘Ajlawni, a Jordanian of origin who earlier lived in Damascus, Syria for 17 years, posted a YouTube video last week where he said he was preparing to issue a “legitimate fatwa” making it … [Read more...]
Video: ‘I Hate Christians and Am Disgusted by Them’ – Muslim Cleric
Dr. Abdullah Badr—an Egyptian Muslim scholar, Al Azhar graduate, and professor of Islamic exegesis, who spent ten years in prison under Mubarak, but, along with any number of Islamic terrorists and agitators, was released under Morsi—recently gave an excellent summation of the second half of the highly divisive Muslim doctrine of wala’ wa bara’ (or, “Love and Hate”)—namely, … [Read more...]
Fatwa Bans Men from Being Alone with ‘Handsome Young Boys’
Jihad Watch How far will Muslims go in their attempts to follow as literally as possible the teachings of Islam, especially the many countless and colorful fatwas that appear from their ulema, that is, “the ones who know”—the “scholars” of Islam? Many are aware that Islamic law bans men and women who are not married or related from being in each other’s company. Recently, … [Read more...]
“Islam’s flag will be raised above the White House”
A video recording from a recent Friday sermon in Egypt, where the imam swears to Allah several times that the flag of Islam will be raised above the White House of America, recently appeared on the Arabic Internet. According to the imam preaching, all Muslims need do is be patient and continue working towards this goal. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK-x9mqXML8 … [Read more...]