Published in National Review Online: The Corner While the media has eagerly accepted the "happy ending" that Egypt's Hosni Mubarak abdicated—after all, the uprisings were dragging on and it needed a quick denouement to the drama so it could return to Lady Gaga—an increasing number of Egyptians are convinced that he never abdicated, and is still in charge of the military he … [Read more...]
Where next for Arab uprisings?
RT: Cross Talk … [Read more...]
Weeping and Other Hysterics
Have Muslim Apologists Nothing More to Offer? Published in Hudson New York From Congressman Keith Ellison's emotional breakdown to Congresswoman Jackie Speier's accusations of "racism," last week's hearings on Muslim radicalization have made it clear that those who oppose the hearings have little of substance to offer. Still, the tactics used by such apologists—namely, appeals … [Read more...]
Grievance Politics Barks, but the King Hearings Move On
by Bruce Thornton Hoover Institution The hearings convened by Representative Pete King, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, to examine the recruitment of American Muslims as jihadist terrorists revealed all the pathologies of multicultural grievance politics that for decades now has compromised our response to Islamic jihad. The need for the hearings is … [Read more...]
Libya: What to do?
Published in National Review Online As with Egypt, American sympathies instinctively side with Libya's oppositional forces as they seek to overthrow the tyrant Qaddafi—and rightfully so. But where U.S. foreign policy is concerned, prudence is in order. This is especially the case considering that the Obama administration has evinced inconsistency, if not incoherence, regarding … [Read more...]