Published in National Review Online: The Corner Mohammad El Baradei, whom many tout as a great reformer, is now on record supporting the Egyptian constitution's controversial Article 2, which states: "Islam is the Religion of the State. Arabic is its official language, and the principal source of legislation is Islamic Jurisprudence (Sharia)." The final clause, that sharia is … [Read more...]
Caliphate, Jihad, Sharia: Now What?
Published in Hudson New York "You can sit here and talk about jihad from here to doomsday, what will it do? Suppose you prove beyond any shadow of doubt that Islam is constitutionally violent, where do you go from there?" Such was Columbia professor Hamid Dabashi's response to my assertion that Islamists seek to resurrect the caliphate and wage offensive jihad to bring the … [Read more...]
Egypt: Christians, Revolution and Persecution
by Adrian Morgan Family Security Matters On New Year's Eve in the city of Alexandria in Egypt, Coptic Christians were celebrating New Year Mass at the al-Qiddissin (Saints) Church. As the service drew to a close, a bomb outside went off in the street outside. A video of the reaction of church congregants can be seen here. The priest tried to calm those inside, with little … [Read more...]
Outswimming Denial
by Roland Shirk Jihad Watch Raymond Ibrahim has a characteristically thoughtful essay over at Hudson New York, the blog of the Hudson Institute. In it, Ibrahim takes note of and comments on an extremely encouraging trend—one for which the long-time writers for this site and its allied movements can take some of the credit: the fact that Islam itself is for the first time in a … [Read more...]
Moskeer skyder op i Amerika. Kirker forsvinder i den muslimske verden
Synopsis-Olsen Oprindelig engelsk tekst: Mosques Flourish in America; Churches Perish in Muslim World Mens muslimer forbereder sig på at rejse en mega-moske i nærheden af stedet for 9/11 overgrebene, er det godt at reflektere over, at den tolerance, eller mangel på samme, der tillader dem at gøre således langt fra gengældes når det drejer sig om kirker i den muslimske … [Read more...]