by Mark Krikorian National Review Online: The Corner Ray Ibrahim reports that the sagacious scholars at Islam's premier center of learning, the venerable al Azhar University in Egypt, have concluded that the Ground Zero Mosque is — wait for it — a "Zionist conspiracy." Of course! Speaking of the Cordoba House project, there's a much more meaningful way to promote interfaith … [Read more...]
Top Muslims Condemn Ground Zero Mosque as a ‘Zionist Conspiracy’
Published in Pajamas Media Translations of this item: French In a recent article, I argued that the Ground Zero mosque is counterproductive to Islam. The following day, on August 5th, the Egyptian newspaper Al Masry Al Youm reported that none other than Al Azhar — one of Sunni Islam's most authoritative institutions — agrees. My translation of the relevant excerpt … [Read more...]
Lower Manhattan Muslim center proposal, aka the “Ground Zero mosque”
WHYY National Public Radio … [Read more...]
Reflections on an Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan
by Daniel Pipes National Review Online Some observations: Cordoba House (or Park51) was announced in early April; that it remains an item of debate over four months later, and not just locally but nationally, points to Islam in the United States becoming a populist issue. Politicians who support the Islamic center, notably New York's mayor Michael Bloomberg, are paying a … [Read more...]
Why the Ground Zero Mosque is Counterproductive to the Islamist Cause
Published in Pajamas Media While vexing to many, the mega mosque set to be built two blocks from Ground Zero has produced one interesting but unintended consequence: like the 9/11 strikes a decade before it, the "9/11 mosque" is also creating a stir, is making people think and talk — about Islam. Consider: Before the Islamist strikes of 9/11, mainstream America was … [Read more...]