Pezzo in lingua originale inglese: Unprecedented: Egyptian Government Suppresses Christian Doctrine Il fatto che il governo egiziano faciliti la persecuzione dei copti, la minoranza cristiana indigena del paese non era evidentemente abbastanza: ora il governo pretende di intervenire direttamente nelle questioni che riguardano la dottrina della Chiesa. Secondo la Assyrian … [Read more...]
Unprecedented: Egyptian Government Suppresses Christian Doctrine
Published in Pajamas Media Translations of this item: Italian It is not enough that the Egyptian government facilitates persecution of the Copts, Egypt's indigenous Christian minority. Now the government is interfering directly with the church's autonomy concerning doctrine. According to the Assyrian International News Agency: The head of the Coptic Church in … [Read more...]
Losing Their Religion
by William Kilpatrick Although many won't admit it, we are in the midst of an ideological war with Islam. And since the advantage goes to the side that fully realizes they are at war, the West is losing. The propaganda war is going in favor of Islam precisely because the West doesn't realize it is supposed to be fighting one. The ability of Islam to rally … [Read more...]
Une nouvelle Fatwa recommande aux hommes de boire le lait de la poitrine des femmes
Translation of the original text: New Fatwa Calls on Men to Drink Women's Breast-Milk Le mois dernier, j'ai écrit un PJM article traitant de certaines pratiques problématiques de l'islam, spécifiquement celles qui furent attribuées au prophète musulman Mouhammad. Une d'elles, le phénomène musulman d'allaiter les adultes, ou « ar'rida' al kabir, le grand allaitement) - en … [Read more...]
Ciągłość Islamu Oryginał angielski: St. Francis of Assisi, Fr. Zakaria Botros, and Islam Formalnie nie związane ze sobą, dwie książki, które niedawno skończyłem czytać –Frank M. Rega: St. Francis of Assisi and the Conversion of Muslims (Św. Franciszek z Asyżu i Konwersja Muzułmanów) oraz Zakaria Botross: Defying Death ( Sprzeciwiając się śmierci) - uzupełniają się bardzo dobrze, … [Read more...]