by Leslie Sacks Family Security Matters Raymond Ibrahim*, a specialist in Islamic theology, practice, and politics, has penned a fascinating response to Nidal Hasan and Fort Hood (click here for Part One of the article and click here for Part Two). He points out that many Westerners have great difficulty assuming that radical Islamic beliefs (Islamism) are central to much of … [Read more...]
The Lure of Jihadism, or ‘Boys Will Be Boys’
Published in Pajamas Media According to a recent ABC report, "As many as three dozen criminals who converted to Islam in American prisons have moved to Yemen where they could pose a 'significant threat' to attack the U.S., according to a report on al-Qaeda from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. … Also of concern to U.S. officials, the Senate staff found, is a group of … [Read more...]
Obama’s False Assumptions
by Robert Maginnis Human Events President Obama's counterterrorism strategy is plagued by false assumptions that could prove fatal to our nation's security. Last week, Obama accepted responsibility for the failure to stop the al Qaeda underwear bomber before he boarded a plane bound for America on Christmas day. The president pledged to correct the "shortcomings" that … [Read more...]
Obama’s Abominable Obeisance
850 KOA: The Mike Rosen Show … [Read more...]
De que modo a Taqiyya altera as regras de guerra do Islão
Original em inglês: How Taqiyya Alters Islam's Rules of War O Islão deve parecer uma religião paradoxal para os não-muçulmanos. Se, por um lado, ele é constantemente retratado como a religião da paz, por outro lado, seus adeptos são responsáveis pela maioria dos ataques terroristas ao redor do mundo. Apologistas do Islão gostam de enfatizar que o Islão é uma fé construída … [Read more...]