Muslim "Charity" in Context Italian From what American schoolchildren are being taught by their teachers to what Americans are being told by their presidents, concepts unique to Islam are nowadays almost always "Westernized." Whether the product of naivety, arrogance, or downright disingenuousness, this phenomenon has resulted in epistemic (and thus endemic) failures, … [Read more...]
Obama’s Puzzling Approach to the Muslim World
Pajamas Media Translations of this item: French President Barack Obama and I have one thing in common shared by few Americans: we were brought up by at least one parent — biological or step is irrelevant — who was born and raised in an Islamic milieu. Intimately aware of the inevitable effects of this, I must question Obama's sincerity in his approach to the Islamic … [Read more...]
St. Francis of Assisi, Fr. Zakaria Botros, and Islam
Polish While not formally connected, two books I recently finished reading -- St. Francis of Assisi and the Conversion of Muslims and Defying Death: Zakaria Botross, Apostle to Islam -- complement each other very well, specifically by establishing continuity between medieval and modern Islam, and, in so doing, demonstrating that Islamic intolerance has a long pedigree. For … [Read more...]
Ebraismo e Cristianesimo : violenti come l’islam?
Pezzo in lingua originale inglese: Are Judaism and Christianity as Violent as Islam? Traduzioni di Paolo Mantellini "C'è molta più violenza nella Bibbia che nel Corano; l'idea che l'islàm si sia imposto con la spada è una fantasia Occidentale, inventata al tempo delle Crociate, quando, in realtà, furono i Cristiani dell'Occidente a scatenare una brutale "guerra santa" contro … [Read more...]
Являются ли иудаизм и христианство столь же насильственными, как ислам?
Подлинник (оригинал) статьи на английском языке: Are Judaism and Christianity as Violent as Islam? Перевод с английского Марии Рюминой «В Библии намного больше насилия, чем в Коране; идея о том, что ислам олицетворяет собой меч, родилась на Западе и была сфабрикована крестоносцами. В действительности же крестоносцы вели жестокие войны против ислама». Так говорит бывшая … [Read more...]