The Tovia Singer Show … [Read more...]
Estudando os caminhos das guerras islâmicas
Original em inglês: Studying the Islamic Way of War Tradução: Frank Herles Matos Na conferência inaugural da Associação para Estudos do Oriente Médio e África (ASMEA) em abril passado, o Ten. Cel. Joseph Myers (EUA), levantou um ponto interessante que merece ser aprofundado. É difícel entender como até hoje a maioria das instituições militares ocidentais valorizam tanto textos … [Read more...]
Grin and curse them
by Mindy Belz World Magazine In July I wrote a column about the widespread use of taqiyya, or the Muslim art of deception, after an Iranian told me, "A Muslim cannot be a real Muslim if he does not use taqiyya." That helped to explain a lot about the perpetual seesaw the West confronts in dealing with, say, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ("I want to wipe Israel off the … [Read more...]
Examining an Orientalist Excerpt
Jihad Watch Recently reading through Professor Carl Brockelmann's History of the Islamic Peoples (1948), I was struck by a particular passage that, inasmuch as it is objective and thoroughly grounded in Islamic law and Muslim practice, if asserted now by any scholar of whatever caliber would surely only earn the label "Islamophobe." Brockelmann, of course, was one of the most … [Read more...]
Are Slave-Girls in Islam Equivalent to Animals?
Many are now aware that the Koran—that is, Allah's word—permits, not just polygamy, but forced concubinage (sex with captive women), according to Koran 4:3: "Marry such women as seem good to you, two and three and four; but if you fear that you will not do justice, then only one, or what your right hands possess [captive women taken in war]." There is, however, an interesting, … [Read more...]