Many are now aware that the Koran—that is, Allah's word—permits, not just polygamy, but forced concubinage (sex with captive women), according to Koran 4:3: "Marry such women as seem good to you, two and three and four; but if you fear that you will not do justice, then only one, or what your right hands possess [captive women taken in war]." There is, however, an interesting, … [Read more...]
On Vikings and Victims: White-Guilt in Context
American Thinker All-permeating "white-guilt" did not appear out of thin air. It has taken a sustained propaganda effort, a wide-ranging mobilization of education and culture, to inculcate and sustain self-loathing among American Caucasians. Like the Coca-Cola TM brand, white-guilt needs endless repetition to remain struck in the thought and behavioral processes of the … [Read more...]
An Analysis of Al-Qa’ida’s Worldview
Reciprocal Treatment or Religious Obligation? By analyzing what al-Qa'ida preaches to Muslims regarding Islam's relationship to the non-Muslim world at large, and what it states to the West are its reasons for battling it, this essay seeks to highlight the many disparities behind al-Qa'ida's words. Juxtaposed in themes, the following excerpts are all derived from Usama bin … [Read more...]
Beyond Hearts and Minds
How the Operational Commander must understand Islamic war-fighting doctrine to secure victory in the long war by James M. Vartanian, Lieutenant Colonel, USA Naval War College [Excerpts] Mr. Raymond Ibrahim, a noted historian and writer of the Middle East and Islam, suggests that a thorough study and understanding of Islamic war doctrine is necessary to combat Islamic … [Read more...]
Le dialogue inter-religieux lancé par le Roi d’Arabie, en contexte
Point de Bascule Translation of the original text: Real Talk? Adaptation française: Annie Lessard, Marc Lebuis Selon l'Associated Press, le roi Abdallah d'Arabie saoudite a récemment déclaré qu'il envisage de participer à une réunion qui aura lieu en novembre à l'ONU à New York, pour poursuivre son «initiative visant à promouvoir le dialogue interreligieux». Pour le Roi, le … [Read more...]