Knowledge is inextricably linked to language. The less accurate words are, the less accurate the knowledge they impart; conversely, the more precise the language, the more precise the knowledge. In the war on terror, to acquire accurate knowledge — which is pivotal to victory — we need to begin with accurate language. Would the free world have understood the Nazi threat if, … [Read more...]
AFP Whitewashes History of Iraq’s Jews
by Tamar Sternthal CAMERA It takes a savvy news consumer and careful reading between the lines to begin to decipher the May 1, 2009 AFP article by Joseph Krauss entitled "Muslim shrines bear witness to Iraq's Jews." Even the headline's meaning is shrouded, and likely to mislead the casual reader. The article begins: Nearly everyone who could read the Hebrew verses carved into … [Read more...]
Opinion: Does Mein Kampf Contain A Business Model?
by Alakananda Mookerjee Digital Library Consigned to the literary graveyard by many European countries, Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" is being widely read by India's young business school students. What is lumped together in the West, in the same category as The Al Qaeda Reader by Raymond Ibrahim—as a treatise of terror—is being regarded in (some of) the East, as "a management … [Read more...]
Το μόνο που κάνουν οι Σομαλοί πειρατές είναι να υλοποιούν τα δόγματα της Τζιχάντ
Translation of the original text: From Barbary Wars to Somali Piracy Κατά τη διάρκεια μιας πρόσφατης πειρατείας στη θάλασσα της Σομαλίας, ο Αμερικανός πλοίαρχος Ρίτσαρντ Φίλιπς, είχε κρατηθεί σαν όμηρος από τους πειρατές. Ο Charles Krauthammer, αναλυτής του δικτύου Fox News, κατέληξε με βεβαιότητα στο συμπέρασμα, ότι «τα καλά νέα είναι ότι αυτοί, (οι πειρατές) δεν είναι οπαδοί … [Read more...]
From Barbary Wars to Somali Piracy
The "Water" Jihad has a Long Lineage Pajamas Media Translations of this item: Greek During the recent Somali pirate standoff with U.S. forces, when American sea captain Richard Phillips was being held hostage, Fox News analyst Charles Krauthammer confidently concluded that "the good news is that these [pirates] are not jihadists. If it's a jihadist holding a hostage, … [Read more...]