The Al Qaeda Reader by Raymond Ibrahim New York: Doubleday, 2007. 352 pp. $15.95, paper. Reviewed by Tristan Abbey The Stanford Review "Stop hurting us and we'll stop hurting you." That is the message Americans get from al Qaeda. In his fascinating new book, historian Raymond Ibrahim explains that the jihadists say one thing to CNN, and quite another to fellow … [Read more...]
Bin Laden’s Latest Message in Context
Middle East Strategy at Harvard Full of the same old complaints, threats of retaliation, and victim status role that have become mainstays of al-Qaeda propaganda, Osama bin Laden's latest release would seem to offer nothing new. It dwells on the many "crimes" the West insists on visiting upon the Muslim world, simply because "their only sin is that they are Muslim"; it, once … [Read more...]
Nukes and Natures
National Review Online Much of the current debate surrounding Iran's nuclear aspirations centers on the National Intelligence Estimate report which "judge[s] with high confidence that in fall 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program." While such reports tend to be accepted as authoritative — witness the ongoing political maelstrom caused by it — it is imperative to … [Read more...]
Red Force Analysis
KZSB Santa Barbara: Business and Technology … [Read more...]
Anti-Christian Crusade
National Review Online By now, the oft-recurring negative portrayals of Christianity in major Hollywood movies have become hackneyed and predictable. The recent rendition of Beowulf only reinforced this trend. The same subtle depictions and motifs present in movies from decades past were once again present, a favorite being the attempt to try to depict pagans as "open-minded" … [Read more...]