The Al Qaeda Reader by Raymond Ibrahim New York: Doubleday, 2007. 352 pp. $15.95, paper. Reviewed by Steven Simon The Washington Post For the strong silent type, Osama bin Laden has actually talked a lot. One expects this from his tediously didactic counselor, Ayman al-Zawahiri, but somehow not from the abstemious Emir himself. Yet in dozens of statements disseminated … [Read more...]
The Two Faces of Al Qaeda
Chronicle of Higher Education Translations of this item: Danish When the September 11 attacks occurred, I was in Fresno, Calif., researching my M.A. thesis on the Battle of Yarmuk, one of the first yet little-known battles between Christendom and Islam, waged in 636 A.D. That battle, in which the Arab invaders were outmatched and yet still triumphed, would have … [Read more...]
Al-Qaedas to ansigter Oprindelig engelsk tekst: The Two Faces of Al Qaeda Den 11. september 2001 befandt jeg mig i Fresno, Californien, i færd at researche til en akademisk afhandling om Slaget ved Yarmuk i 632 - et af de første, men et ret lidet kendt slag imellem Kristenheden og Islam. I dette slag stillede de arabiske invasionshære med langt færre tropper end modstanderen, men … [Read more...]
Geoffrey Alderman, The Jewish Chronicle (London)
The Al Qaeda Reader by Raymond Ibrahim New York: Doubleday, 2007. 352 pp. $15.95, paper. Reviewed by Geoffrey Alderman The Jewish Chronicle (London) About a year ago, I discovered that I had acquired an entry in Wikipedia, the free online encyclopaedia.Wikipedia is a controversial project. It is used by billions of inquirers who want easy-to-get-at information on … [Read more...]
A kaffir is a kaffir is a kaffir
by Rod Dreher Belief Net Raymond Ibrahim, translator and editor of "The Al Qaeda Reader," points out that if you read Osama bin Laden's messages to the West, they're full of reciprocity -- the idea that we, al-Qaeda, go after the West to avenge sins against Muslims by the kaffir (infidels). But, Ibrahim says, if you read the words bin Laden and his followers direct towards … [Read more...]