Oorspronkelijk Engels Item: War and Peace - and Deceit - in Islam Vertaald door Sam van Rooy Nota van de redactie: delen van onderstaand essay maken deel uit van Ibrahims geschreven getuigenis die werd gepresenteerd op het congres van 12 februari 2009. Vandaag, in een tijd van oorlog en oorlogsgeruchten afkomstig uit de Islamitische wereld -gaande van het on-going conflict in … [Read more...]
War and Peace – and Deceit – in Islam
Pajamas Media Translations of this item: Dutch German Editor's note: Substantial portions of the following essay made up part of Mr. Ibrahim's written testimony that was presented to Congress on February 12, 2009 Today, in a time of wars and rumors of wars emanating from the Islamic world — from the current conflict in Gaza, to the saber-rattling of nuclear-armed … [Read more...]
Israel Jeopardize its Existence if it Trades Land for ‘Peace’
The Tovia Singer Show http://raymond.uhurunetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/287.mp3 … [Read more...]
Estudando os caminhos das guerras islâmicas
Original em inglês: Studying the Islamic Way of War Tradução: Frank Herles Matos Na conferência inaugural da Associação para Estudos do Oriente Médio e África (ASMEA) em abril passado, o Ten. Cel. Joseph Myers (EUA), levantou um ponto interessante que merece ser aprofundado. É difícel entender como até hoje a maioria das instituições militares ocidentais valorizam tanto textos … [Read more...]
Grin and curse them
by Mindy Belz World Magazine In July I wrote a column about the widespread use of taqiyya, or the Muslim art of deception, after an Iranian told me, "A Muslim cannot be a real Muslim if he does not use taqiyya." That helped to explain a lot about the perpetual seesaw the West confronts in dealing with, say, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ("I want to wipe Israel off the … [Read more...]