The Al Qaeda Reader by Raymond Ibrahim New York: Doubleday, 2007. 352 pp. $15.95, paper. Reviewed by Bruce Thornton Private Papers Given that war, as both Sun Tzu and Mohammed preached, is deception, it behooves us to understand accurately the enemy's motivations and not be fooled by his deceiving propaganda. Yet in the current war against Islamic jihad, the West has … [Read more...]
Al Qaeda’s Writings
NPR: Air Talk with Larry Mantle … [Read more...]
Waning Support for Suicide-Attacks in the Muslim World? A recent poll released by the Pew Research Center indicates that, among other things, support for suicide-attacks—or, what are known in Islamic terminology as "martyrdom operations"—is on the decline in the Islamic world. There is no denying that there are a number of factors contributing to this new shift—not least of which is the fact that, … [Read more...]
John Doe in Perspective As a 6'3", 250 pound weightlifter of Middle Eastern descent, who sometimes wears a full beard, seldom wears a (perfunctory) smile, and who's last name is "Ibrahim"—a name that sometimes appears in rather "unflattering" headlines, such as the recent attacks in Glasgow—I don't mind telling you that, well, sometimes I get askance looks of "concern" whenever … [Read more...]
Interview on the Al Qaeda Reader
The Dennis Prager Show … [Read more...]