Zawahiri invokes the language of social justice National Review Online In an unprecedented effort to rally popular support, al Qaeda is apparently trying to refashion its image from an ultra-conservative, radical Islamist group with clear and precise goals — the ultimate being to implementsharia law around the globe — to what the liberal West has long had a soft spot for: a … [Read more...]
Islamic Apologetics
National Review Online Islamic apologist extraordinaire Karen Armstrong is at it again. In an article entitled "Balancing the Prophet" published by the Financial Times, the self-proclaimed "freelance monotheist" engages in what can only be considered second-rate sophistry. The false statements begin in her opening paragraph: Ever since the Crusades, people in the west have … [Read more...]
Come battere l’Hydra dell’islam radicale
L'Occidentale Pezzo in lingua originale inglese: Hydra of War Il leader di al-Qaida in Iraq, Abu Hamza al-Masri, è morto? Le autorità irachene hanno appena proclamato la sua uccisione durante uno scontro a fuoco. Tutti i siti internet legati ad al-Qaeda, però, sembrano tenere differenti posizioni: "Lui sta ancora combattendo i nemici di Allah." Gli Usa sono a loro volta … [Read more...]
Hydra of War
National Review Online Translations of this item: Italian Is the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Hamza al-Masri, dead? Iraqi authorities just proclaimed that he was recently killed due to infighting. But al Qaeda-related websites beg to differ: "[H]e is still fighting the enemies of Allah." And the U.S. is unsure: "I [Lieutenant-Colonel Garver] hope it's true; we're … [Read more...]
200 Million Minority
Islam's Apologists Completely Miss the Point National Review Online For three consecutive days, April 10-12, Tariq Ramadan, the controversial Muslim activist who was denied a U.S. visa for questionable activities (such as making "charitable" donations to the terrorist organization Hamas, which regularly commissions suicide-attacks), was invited by Georgetown University to … [Read more...]