Gatestone Institute Muslim Slaughter of Christians Pakistan: Sharoon, a Christian boy who achieved academic excellence despite years of entrenched discrimination and bullying—and whose poverty-stricken parents had worked hard to put him in MC Model Boys Government High School—was beaten to death by Muslim pupils. On his first day at the school, the teacher slapped him … [Read more...]
The ‘Baby Muhammad’ Jihad: Europe’s Future Nightmare
Frontpage Magazine If Muhammad cannot beat the infidels on the battlefield, he’ll outbreed them—literally: “Mohammed most popular name for newborn boys in the Netherlands for second year in a row,” is the title of a recent report. Muhammad is apparently also the most popular name in England. In fact, Muhammad is one of the most popular names throughout Northwest … [Read more...]
Infidel Women: Islam’s “Spoils of War”
Gatestone Institute One of the greatest but overlooked (or ignored) fact concerning Islamic aggression and violence around the world is that non-Muslim women tend to be its greatest victims. According to a January report dealing with the Muslim persecution of Christians, “The most significant findings were that Christian women are among the most violated in the world, in … [Read more...]
Forget the “Terrorists,” What about Your Own Government, Mr. Sisi?
Coptic Solidarity. It is one thing for Egyptian President Sisi not to be able to prevent surprise Islamic terror attacks against Egypt’s Christians, the Copts. But what does one make of the fact that his own government also discriminates against and persecutes the Copts? Most recently, a court sentenced 19 Muslim defendants to a one-year suspended sentence for attacking … [Read more...]
The Hate behind Muslim Tears and Outrage
FrontPage Magazine A sense of supremacism permeates everything in the Muslim supremacist’s life—even those things that Western media portray as laudable, humanitarian, or understandable. Consider the rape and strangulation of Zainab Ansari, an eight-year-old Muslim girl whose mangled body was found in a dump last January in Pakistan. The tragic incident sparked mass … [Read more...]