A review of the 2018 book, Crusade and Jihad, by William Polk. Although the book's subtitle is "The Thousand-Year War between the Muslim World and the Global North," it -- rather bizarrely -- essentially ignores the first thousand years. The video explains why. … [Read more...]
Video: EWTN Bookmark—Defenders of the West
My recent appearance on EWTN's Bookmark with Doug Keck: … [Read more...]
‘When Christendom Had Muscle’
The following review, "When Christendom Had Muscle," was written by Terry Gant for American Reformer: Western Christians have forgotten the meaning of the word persecution. They have also forgotten that once upon a time Christians, when they had the power, prestige and wealth to put a stop to persecution, resisted persecution with violent, military force. Raymond Ibrahim is on … [Read more...]
How a Few Billionaires Manipulated the World
What is ultimately behind so many of the (manufactured) ills currently plaguing the West, from leftist lunacy and gender insanity, to unnecessary lockdowns and wars? In a word, the ultra-rich—the billionaire elite. So argues bestselling author Hanne Nabintu Herland, in her latest book, The Billionaire World: How Marxism Serves the Elite. In a series of brisk chapters, … [Read more...]
An Unapologetic Defense of the Crusades
Titled, "An Unapologetic Defense of the Crusades," the following review was written by Auguste Meyrat and published by The Federalist on June 2, 2023. Fewer moments in history are as misunderstood and revised as the Crusades. This series of violent clashes between Christian and Muslim cultures spanning three continents and nearly a millennium has been characterized as a … [Read more...]