Coptic Solidarity On the evening of June, 23, 2022, Muslim mobs attacked the homes of Coptic Christians, including by hurling stones through their windows, in al-Hilla, a village in Luxor governate, Upper Egypt. The occasion of this latest Muslim mob attack on Egypt’s indigenous Christian minority was the legalization of the Church of Michael the Archangel. Although the … [Read more...]
Muslim Man Tries to Slaughter Coptic Christian Woman with a Sickle
Coptic Solidarity A Muslim man attempted to slaughter a Coptic Christian woman with a sickle in the village of Sharona, Minya governorate, Egypt. According to a June 15 report, Qassim Falah Muhammad attacked Mona Wafdi Marzouk, 35, as she was walking to her family farm early in the morning to assist her sick and ailing father. Muhammad crept up behind her and began to … [Read more...]
Muslim Man Butchers Coptic Christian with a Meat Cleaver
Coptic Solidarity Another day has passed, and another Muslim man has murdered another Coptic Christian in Egypt. On Sunday, June 5, 2022—the same day Muslims attacked a packed church in Nigeria, massacring more than 50 Christians—Abdullah Hosni, a Muslim man with a long history of harassing Christians, randomly attacked a Copt, Kirollos (Cyril) Megali, with a meat cleaver in … [Read more...]
“Loyalty to Allah” Prompted a Muslim Man to Murder a Coptic Christian
Coptic Solidarity The Muslim murderer of a Coptic man in Egypt said he was moved to the act, not because he personally knew the Christian, but because he was inflamed with zeal, especially after reading the Koran, and because he is “loyal to Allah.” In late April—a few days after another Muslim man slaughtered a Coptic Christian priest—three masked men pulled up in their … [Read more...]
Ramadan Sees Spike in ‘Disappearance’ of Coptic Christian Women and Girls
Coptic Solidarity Two stories of Coptic Christian women disappearing off the streets of Egypt that surfaced around the same time in the month of Ramadan, April, 2022, are a testimony to the ongoing prevalence of this phenomenon. On April 11, Simone Adel Isaac, a 15-year-old Coptic girl, disappeared. Her parents immediately carried out an extensive investigation, including by … [Read more...]