Published in PJ Media Someone recently sent me an Arabic video that juxtaposes snippets of sermons delivered by Christian and Muslim leaders in the Middle East. The Christian preachers offer up universal supplications that include phrases like "O lord, lover of all mankind and savior of all the world"; they quote biblical passages such as "love your enemies and pray for those … [Read more...]
Egyptian Revolution in Pictures: Hijacked and Hobbled
by Raymond Ibrahim • Nov 4, 2011 at 12:37 pm Cross-posted from Jihad Watch This caricature recently appeared on the Egyptian political website; it speaks volumes. The bent over, golem-like figure represents al-thawra, or Egypt's "Revolution." Serving as a platform to the nation's "throne," this hijacked and hobbled "Revolution" is casually ascended by one of the … [Read more...]
Popular Sheikh: Christian Copts are “Infidels”; “Allah’s Curse on Them”
by Raymond Ibrahim • Nov 3, 2011 at 1:27 pm Cross-posted from Jihad Watch Earlier we saw that Egypt's Grand Mufti, Ali Gomaa, the nation's second highest religious authority,categorized all Christians as "infidels" – a word that is much more complicated, and more damning, than the usual and casual translation of "non-believer." We also saw that some Western apologists are in … [Read more...]
Egypt’s Massacre of Christians
What the Media Does Not Want You To Know Published in Hudson New York Translations of this item: French Spanish Western media coverage of the recent massacre of Coptic Christians in Cairo, Egypt—in which the military killed dozens of Christians and injured some 300—was, as discussed earlier, deplorable. It merely repeated the false propaganda of the complicit … [Read more...]
When Muslims Are More ‘Radical’ than Islamists
What are the differences between the traditional Muslim and the so-called "Islamist"? As words dealing with Islam continue to morph and multiply, it is important to differentiate, for there are real, if subtle, differences. A recent Arabic talk show on Egypt's former president Hosni Mubarak's trial sheds some light. The question was whether Mubarak, in the sight of Sharia law, … [Read more...]