Coptic Solidarity Today, on the sixth anniversary of the martyrdom of 21 Coptic Christians at the hands of the Islamic State in Libya, news appeared that an Arabic-language film depicting their story is set to appear later this year in Egypt. The film commemorates what happened six years ago today, on Feb. 15, 2015. Then, the Islamic State released a video depicting 21 … [Read more...]
The ‘Farcical and Empty Claims’ of Islam’s Greatest University
Al Azhar, the Muslim world's most prestigious if not authoritative Islamic university, recently blasted Jerome, the archbishop of Athens and all Greece, for saying during a January 14 interview that: "Islam, its people, is not a religion but a political party" — that Muslims are "the people of war ... who seek expansion," which is a "characteristic of Islam." Instead of … [Read more...]
Muslims Kill, Wound Christians in (Unacknowledged) Hate Crime
Coptic Solidarity Two Muslim brothers recently went on a stabbing spree targeting Coptic Christians in Alexandria, Egypt; one man was killed and two others were severely injured and hospitalized. Last reported on Dec. 13, the brothers had been arrested and were to be detained for four days, pending an investigation. According to authorities, they went on their murderous … [Read more...]
Egypt: Another Missing Christian Girl Reappears as “Willing” Convert to Islam in Video
Coptic Solidarity Once again, a young Coptic Christian girl has disappeared off the streets of Egypt only to reappear in a video dressed in Islamic garb and claiming she had willingly converted to Islam. Magda Mansur Ibrahim, 20, was traveling to her college in Asyut near her home town of al-Badari on Saturday, October 3, when she disappeared without a trace. Three days … [Read more...]
“Islamophobic” Cartoons from the Arab World
While some in the West bend over backwards not to be "Islamophobic" or critical of Islam -- and while Muslim heads of state and the OIC scold the West for the same -- below is an idea of the sorts of cartoons that appear regularly in Arabic language media (my translations appear beneath each image): The man to the left, who is labeled as a "moderate Muslim" -- and … [Read more...]