As American liberals/leftists continue to portray Donald Trump’s immigration ban on seven Muslim nations in the worst possible terms—from “racist” to “Islamophobic”—and as Muslim activists continue to claim “shock and trauma,” a lone Egyptian man has asked some relevant questions that few Muslims care to face. Dr. Ahmed 'Abdu Maher is a researcher and political activist who … [Read more...]
Egypt: Four Christians Slaughtered in 10 Days
Coptic Solidarity That the Coptic Christian Church continues to voice its support for President Sisi should not be interpreted to mean that the situation of Egypt’s Christian minority has improved. One need only look to the substratum of news for confirmation. The current month of January alone has already witnessed three separate instances over the course of 10 days where … [Read more...]
Muslim Slaughters Christian for Selling Alcohol in Egypt
Coptic Solidarity A Muslim man crept up behind a Christian man and slit his throat, killing him in Alexandria, Egypt, on the evening of January 3. Adel Suleiman, 48, the Muslim man who committed the murder, did so because his Christian victim, 45-year-old Joseph Lam‘i, owned a shop that sold alcohol, which the murderer deemed “contrary to the shar‘ia [Islamic law] and the … [Read more...]
The Specifics of Sharia’s Savageries
FrontPage Magazine Although Western media regularly claim no “motive” for many of the Islamic attacks on non-Muslims, many are by now at least vaguely aware that the Muslim perpetrators rely on generic Islamic teachings that foster hostility for non-Muslims. Yet often overlooked are the very stringent and detailed Islamic rulings behind many terror attacks. Take the … [Read more...]
Christian Worship Is ‘Worse than Murder and Bloodshed’
Coptic Solidarity For an idea on why Egypt’s Coptic Christians and their churches are constantly under attack—most recently last Sunday, when a church was bombed, killing at least 25 Christians—one need merely listen to the words and teachings of some of the nation’s Muslim preachers. Take Dr. Ahmed al-Naqib, for instance. He has studied at the best Islamic madrassas, … [Read more...]